Chapter One.

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A/N: this chapter contains suicide so if you are sensitive to that subject please be careful!! i hope you enjoy!

Chapter song: A Little Death- The Neighbourhood.

Walking to the deans office felt like a marathon. Using all my energy i forced myself to keep going, i was drained i was starved i was tired. Tired of living a empty life, everyday felt like a war in my head. A empty shell forcing herself to live on, live on for Momo. Everyday was a battle, a battle i couldn't win.

5 months earlier

"Congratulations to the class of 2023, i hope to see you all at graduation DO NOT MISS IT" the teacher screamed over all the seniors talking amongst themselves. *ring ring ring* jumping up from my seat i grabbed my keys and walked with Jihyo and Sana to my new car. A black Mercedes Benz with black interior and black tinted windows. It was my graduation gift from my parents. *beep beep* "get in i'll take you guys home after we hang" i said smiling at Jihyo and Sana. We drove to the mall shopped around for hours, i bought 3 new pairs of shoes and a bunch of clothes.

"mina we are hungry" Jihyo said with a grumpy face pointing to herself and Sana who stood there smiling. "Tacos?" i said, they agreed and got in the car. Before pulling off i decided to text Momo to see if she wanted me to pick her something up.

Maur Maur 🤍
Congratulations mina i am so proud of you, i love you so much, more then you know, i'll see you when you get home be prepared for a big hug :)

Thank you, i love you too <3

Hey, do you want anything from the taco truck?
me jihyo and sana are getting food
Last chance!!!!!!
Okay fine :(

Something felt wrong, my stomach felt like there was thousands of butterflies trying to push their way out. Figuring it was just hunger pains i drove us to the nearest taco truck. Ordering 3 tacos for myself another 3 tacos and a double steak burrito for Momo, she loved to eat and had a big appetite.

"jesus mina hungry???" jihyo giggled and stuffed her face with a taco. "Those are for Momo" i said rolling my eyes as i took a bite of my food.

"speaking of" Sana added

"NO" i said annoyed.

"PLEASE your sister is so hot" sana begged.

i ignored her and kept eating, finishing up our food we cleaned our spots up, jihyo gave the taco man a generous tip. We bowed and left. Walking to the car i checked my phone again, still no answer from momo . I got nervous, that's very unlike her she always answers. I dialed moms number.

"hey honey what's up"

"have you heard from momo she's not answering me"

"no why what's wrong?" she questioned a little panicked

"nothing i just wanted to see if she wanted some food" i said calming her down

"she's probably in the dance studio, you know she doesn't check her phone while practicing honey" she said

"yeah you're right, alright well i just wanted to see if you heard from her, i'm heading home now"

"okay honey i'll be home in a few, i just have to finish these files, i'll be making dinner so don't stuff yourself i love you see you later"

"i love you too"
*call drops*

"everything alright" jihyo questioned

"yeah i was just seeing if my mom heard from momo, let's go" i said pulling off.

after dropping jihyo and sana home i arrived home. The house was eerily quiet and dark.

"MOMO I GOT YOUR FOOD" i screamed while taking my shoes off.


"momo?" i said walking through the house checking each room. Walking up to momo's room i knocked lightly.

"Hey i got your favorite-" i said opening the door.

My eyes instantly grew wide witnessing her lifeless body hanging from the ceiling fan, a cord wrapped around her neck turning it a shade of purple and red.

"MOMO" i ran to her lifting her body from the cord and gently laying her on the floor. Her breathing shallow, slowly becoming less and less until


She stopped breathing. I preformed CPR never giving up but still not able to keep her breathing properly.

"NO NO WHY, don't leave me, please don't leave me." i sobbed into her chest, pulling out my phone i dialed 911.

"911 what's your emergency"

"please help, my sister hung herself" i sobbed into the phone, i stayed on the line while the operator tried to comfort me as much as she could until the police got here.

i sat in the hospital waiting room, numb staring into space. My eyes were red and puffy i looked like a corpse. please be okay, you have to be okay please momo i love you don't leave me, please be okay. i said to myself while waiting for the doctor to call us.

"Myoui family" the doctor called walking out into the waiting room. We all stood up staring at him.

"i'm sorry to deliver this unfortunate news but Momo has passed away as of 10:30 pm" he said

"NOOOO" my mother screamed dropping to her knees sobbing. My father crying into the palm of his hands.

Falling down into my chair i grabbed my chest, the pain was unbearable, i sobbed holding my chest indulging in pain. Until i eventually passed out.

A/N: Hi 👋🏽 i hope this first chapter wasn't too bad. I want this book to catch people's eyes so i thought i should start it off with a bang (rip momo ofc). i decided i'm not going to finish my other book, i'm not interested in it anymore and it doesn't motivate me to keep writing

i've been reading a lot of micheang fanfics and i really enjoy them so i decided to try it out for myself, hopefully this isn't too bad i want to take a new approach on my writing style.

Thank you if you read this i really appreciate you:)

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