Chapter Twenty Three

Start from the beginning

"I'll be supervising, you know that right?" Neil said as he crossed the room and stood near the floor to ceiling windows. Both of our cabins had a similar view that looked across the city. If you peered hard enough, you could even see the Space Needle.

"I know that, Neil." Mac punctuated his words with a sigh. "But she needs to be in the loop as well. If anything happens tomorrow, she and the company will be in deep shit."

I gulped at the thought of messing up, knowing that I simply couldn't afford for that to happen.

My eyes roved over the clauses and all the legal jargon that was going over my head.

"I'll sign it." I said, gesturing for a pen.

"You can consult your own lawyer if you want, just in case. I understand -

"I trust you Mac." I replied, cutting him off before I held a hand out. "I know that you've read through it thoroughly and would never put me in jeopardy."

"Right." Mac's eyes softened a smidge as he handed over his pen.

I signed the contract without any further ado before handing it back to Mac and giving him the green signal to email it back to Madden and his team. Some sort of silent communication went on between him and Neil before Mac finally relented, nodding his head and bidding me goodbye before heading out alone.

"So," Neil started as he rounded the corner of the table, his fingertips trailing over it. And at that moment, I really wished I was that table.

"Don't so me." I huffed, pretending to be annoyed. "Don't pull that kinda shit again, Neil."

"What did I do?" The expression on his face was so comical that I nearly laughed at it. Nearly.

"I'm serious."

"Hi, serious. I'm Neil."

I couldn't hold back my smile at that. "You're really fucking frustrating, you know that right?" I said, once I'd finally managed to force my facial muscles back into a frown. Looking up at him, I found a brilliant grin stretching his face. As if just the sight of me smiling made him smile. "Footsie, really? In the middle of a meeting with your employees right beside you?"

He shrugged once. "So? It's not like they had X ray vision and could see it."

"Don't do that again."

"Why not? That's the point of this whole forbidden thing, isn't it?"

I rolled my eyes, shaking my head as I pushed back from my chair and got up, walking towards the door. "Stop."

"What? You don't like me talking about us fucking -

"I said stop." I slapped a hand on his mouth as I peeked out from behind the blinds, hoping that no one was nearby. "You're going to get us in trouble someday." I whispered, glaring at him.

He licked my palm as I squealed, pulling away immediately. "Ew, Neil!" I exclaimed. "You're so disgusting."

"That's not what you say when I'm licking your pussy in my bed." The asshole had the audacity to smirk as he opened the door and walked out - but not before I slapped his ridiculously good looking suit clad chest. Like seriously, a good looking chest? That was a first for me. "See you later, mon soleil." He sang, as I cursed him out mentally. He really was going to get us in trouble someday.


"Neil," I gasped as I bared my neck to him. He pressed sloppy kisses down to my shoulder, pulling my blouse to one side before he bit into my skin. "Fuck." I moaned as my hands grasped at his hair.

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