"Oh no," I started with an uncomfortable smile. "I'm not his -

"And you're sure you don't have any other available rooms?" Neil cut in, his fingers tapping a rhythm on the marble, not even looking at me. Seriously? Was he pulling this shit now?

"Yes sir, I'm sure. My apologies for the inconvenience. Though I assure you that you'll be heavily compensated for it."

"Great then." Neil smiled, his tense body now relaxing. "It would be wonderful if you could book that suite for us, Joan."

She nodded before she disappeared inside somewhere.

"What are you doing, Neil?" I hissed, clutching his arm and digging my nails into it.

"Booking us free rooms obviously." He replied nonchalantly, as if we wouldn't be sharing a room. The same fucking room.

"Are you crazy? What if someone from the office finds out when they come tomorrow?" I seethed, shocked at how cool and not panicked he was.

"So let them. It's not like we're broadcasting that we're going to have sex right? Besides, I'm sure it'll have a spare bed."


Spoiler alert. It did not have a spare bed. We were currently staring at a single master bed, adorned with rose petals and a box of chocolate in what was obviously a honeymoon suite.

"Great. Just great." I threw up my hands in frustration. Now not only did I have to share a room with my boss, but I also had to share a bed. The universe really knew the finest ways to torture me, eh?

"It's...not too bad." Neil said, tilting his head.

"It's not too bad?" I'm sure my voice had gone up several pitches at this point, but I was beyond caring. If somebody found out, both of our jobs would be at jeopardy. "Really, Neil? Because I think it's fucking terrible!"

"Damn." He whistled lowly. "I'm that bad, huh?" But I knew he was joking since he was grinning at me, finding this to be really fucking funny. Amazing.

"It's not a joke, Neil." I rubbed my eyes, settling down on the edge of the bed. "Please be serious for a second and think about how this could impact us."

"What do you want me to say, Aaliya?" I felt the bed sink beside me. "That I hate this situation we've inadvertently ended up in and that we had no control over? Because I'd be lying if I said that."

"What's that supposed to mean?" My eyes widened as I looked at him.

"What I'm trying to say is that we can't change what's happened. Brandon made a mistake and now we'll have to compromise for one night, at least. Look," He turned to fully face me. "What do you say about this? We spend tonight here and if you still haven't changed your mind by tomorrow morning, we'll ask them for two separate bedrooms if they, hopefully, have any. Sound good?"

"Yeah. I guess." I muttered, rolling my eyes. Though I knew that I wouldn't change my mind about this. Maybe. I don't know.

"I'll take the couch." Neil said with a wink as we both got ready to call it a night.


I woke up burning hot, sweat pooling everywhere, as if I'd been sleeping next to a furnace. Groaning, I tried to roll over but found myself being constricted by an arm around me. A very manly and hairy arm. Shit. And that was when it hit me. Neil had decided to take the couch in front of the fireplace and I'd gotten the master bed. But halfway through the night, after I'd heard a lot of tossing and turning, I'd finally caved out of guilt and had asked him to join me on the bed. I had obviously set up a bunch of pillows between us so that nobody rolled over into somebody else's territory but it seemed like that had been for nothing since both previously fluffed up pillows now lay in a heap beside us.

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