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Buntao  fasten his speed. " Uhh baby so Tight feels so good uhh" he  grunts

Gat  keep moaning " more.. love,  more.. I want more..ugh...."

Buntao pulled out his dick and slammed it again inside. He  snuggle in Gat's neck.  sucking  while thrusting  into him. Gat  circle his legs on Buntao's waist.

" Uhh.. yes.. yes..! Love.. Don't stop.."

Gat  moaned. Buntao  found his sweet spot. The couple can feel Their climax.

" Love . .... Ugh.....hmmmm more... I'm cumming ugh.."  Gat  hold his shaft and stroke it.

Gat moaned Buntao thrusted fast and deep. " Ugh.. I'm close coming too baby let's cum together"

Buntao fucking Gat. Roughly until

" Ugh.. hmmm.. "

Gat cum in his hands and Buntao inside his cavity

The couple are panting hard caused of  their activity.

" Happy anniversary baby." Buntao said laying dawn in the bed.

" Happy anniversary too love. " Gat said Ang place his body on top of Buntao.

Gat and Buntao celebrating their seven years Wedding Anniversarry after  a year of being engaged they got  married. Gat relationship with Buntao didn't affect his career infact More Project are coming, and his fans And fallowers increasing everyday.   After the Wedding Gat quit as an actor he wants to focus being a husband of Buntao. And a father of Alex.

" Good morning parents. Good morning big bro"  Natalie Greeted them. They are in the dining table eating their breakfast

" Good morning our Princess " Buntao said

Nathalie is Gat and Buntao child via surrogacy.  Five years ago they decide to have a child as per Alex request and Cathy help them.

" Hurry up sweety I will send you in school." Gat said to Nathalie

" Da, can I came with you, " Alex said.

" Sure. Baby, even if you are an teenager now you still not allowed to drive on your own car." Gat said.

" Then why you buy kuya Alex cars if he still not allowed to use it Da, " Nathalie ask.

" You really inheritance my smartness princess." Buntao stated.

" Nope, you are  wrong luv. Nathalie inheritance everything to me"   Cathy exclaimed.

" Mommy" Alex ana Nathalie said in unison and Run to their aunt. And hug her tight

" How's the vacation Sisy?" Gat ask.

Cathy took a Vacation for a year  she Just travel all around the world. She enjoyed her Single life.

" Did you find a lover in the airplane luv? Or in the places you've visit?" Buntao ask.

" Na, I took a vacation not for finding the lover luv. Just want to relax and spend my money. Moderately, " Cathy utter " and besides I am happy I had you guise."

" Yeah right, " Gat utter " Come eat breakfast with us anyway Children get ready we had to go."

" Yes Da, I will get my things. " Alex said and climb upstairs.

" Be a good girl in school princess, don't give a headache on your Teacher I know your smart but act like a five year old kid okay na" Cathy remind Nathalie.

" Yes Mommy"  she said and hug Cathy  and his Daddy Buntao before she walk outside door.

Their house helper help her to carry his things.

" Anyway I saw Wasita and her Family in the airport I guess they will visiting her parents here." Cathy stated.

" ohh really, why don't we meet them it's been a while since the last we saw them." Buntao stated.

" That's good idea love" Gat said  I will let Cathy to handle that."

" Fine,  I will inform you if they agreed. " Cathy said. " But for now I will take a rest I still had a Jet Lag"

Alex come downstairs" lets go Da" he said and give a hug on Cathy " bye Mom. Bye Dad,"

" Bye baby" Buntao and Cathy said in unison.

" Bye love, see you later take care" Gat said into his husband then he give a long kiss on the lips.

" Bye, baby, I will  go to office later   I love you " Buntao kissed Gat forehead.

" Love you too love."Gat said back and went outside to send their children at their school.

For seven years has past Gat still had a communication with Wasita they are good friends after all, they message Each other sometime and Buntao knows it sometimes he is the one who replying Wasita. Mean while Vinikah went to  other country and didn't get back to Thailand the couple don't want to see her either and Alex understand it,    


" Baby, come with me" Buntao said  They are now in their company two years after the marriage Gat and Buntao build a new company where  they can manage it together.

" Where?" Gat ask.

" To celebrate our anniversary of course" Buntao hugging Gat from behind.

" But we celebrate already last night love" Gat stated.

" Yes, but we did not went outside I want you to take on a dinner date. " Buntao kissed Gat cheek.

" Okay fine if that's what you want. then  lets go, I will just call our driver to pick up  our children in  their school. " Gat utter and pulling out his body in Buntao's embrace.

Buntao and Gat went to a place where Buntao already reserved it. For seven years Buntao always showing love and care for Gat. He always show to Gat how he is important to him,  Buntao so Thankful for having Gat in his life. Gat left his career for them.

" Thank you baby, for staying in my life you even left your career for us. I felt guilty about that." Buntao stated as he is hugging Gat inside their room  while watching at the beach outside. Buntao took Gat in a resort to celebrate their  anniversary.

"Don't be guilty love,  I chose to leave my career to taking care of our family and I am very happy on my Decision. " Gat said feeling Gat's embrace.

" Sorry I can't help it baby," Buntao said places a soft kiss on Gat's forehead." But of you want to come back ok acting I will let you just lete me no baby"

Gat caress Buntao arms wrapped on his body." Nope I had no plan to came back in acting love but if our children ask to enter showbiz  I will let them but for me coming back no chance. And besides I am contented what I have right now. " Gat turned around and face Buntao."  As I said before our marriage our love in unexpected but I will chose to be with you over and over again. "

" I thank God for having you in my life baby, I couldn't ask for more." Buntao stated." I love you."

" I am thankful too love for coming into my life, I love you too."

Buntao and Gat look each other lovingly and then closed the Gap between them by claiming each other lips. Celebrating the seven years of their marriage and more and more years to come.

An: in our life we don't know what will happen in the future, they said expect the unexpected.  Buntao and Gat falling Inlove with each other is unexpected. But they chose to fight and be with Each other until the rest of their life with their children. Now the "Unexpected Love"  is finally ended thank you for reading it's lame story but I am happy I finished it.  Yes Mewgulf are separated but I will still write a fanfiction story about them. Mewgulf is my happiness and i don't care if they are separated  work already. Or whatsoever My admiration for them didn't change  because of that, will I am hoping that one-day they can work  together again  just maybe one-day🤣 but for now I am enjoying what I am seeing.


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