Unexpected love. 17

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" Bye, love  take care I love you."

Gat said they are now Infront of Gat's house. The two decided to go home while. It's still  dawn, so that no one will noticed Buntao's car.

" See you when I see you baby, I love you too" Buntao said.

Gat cupped Buntao's face with his both hands And claim his lips. After sometime of kissing Gat broke the kissed and got out in Buntao's car. He waved his hand as he is entering inside their house. Buntao waited Gat finally get inside before he start the engine and drove away.Gat went to his room and take a rest as he had to attend brand endorsements later at morning.

Morning comes and Gat ready himself to go on the event.

" Good morning hon, hows the vacation?" Wasita ask.

When Gat inform Wasita that he will go on a vacation she can't do anything else but to agreed.

" I had  so much fun and I enjoyed it very much" Gat reply " I have to go now, bye" Gat said

Wasita was about to give Gat a goodbye kissed but Gat avoided it.
Wasita fuming in anger.

" Good morning love." Gat message Buntao after he place himself inside his car.

He was about to start the engine when his phone give a sound, Buntao replied to him.

" Good morning too baby, I love you." Gat read it.

He smile and  dialed his Boyfriends number.

" I love you two love. Miss you" " Gat said when Buntao answer the phone.

" I miss you too baby.  Can't wait to see you and Hug you tight." Buntao stated.

" Mee too, love. I'll hang up the phone now. I need to go" Gat utter.

" Take care baby, drive safely okay. Love you" Buntao said.

" Yes love, love you too mwuah.. "  Gat reply then cut the call and start the engine of his car starting his day with a happy heart.

Gat is  still busy this past few days but he didn't forget to message Buntao to check him out and to say how much he love the Producer.  Buntao wants to meet him because he misses Gat so much but dew to Gat busy schedules  they don't have time to meet.


" Hmm uhhh" Gat is moaning as someone is licking sucking his neck he also hold the head of that person. That someone keep doing until Gat slowly open his eyes and he's eyes widen when he Saw  Wasita naked on top of him. Gat pushed Wasita.

" Hon.." Wasita whine.

" What are you doing here in my room?" Gat ask. And setting up 

" I miss you hon and I want to be with you good thing you didn't lock your room. " Wasita smile " and. We are married I want to make love with you, and I want to have a child with you"

Gat shock on Wasita's words. Gat come home last night tired and exhausted. After he clean himself he lay down on his bed and feel asleep that's why his room is not lock. Wasita push  Gat back  on the bed  and attack his neck Gat hold  Wasita's shoulder." Wa, stop it"

Wasita didn't listen and keep on kissing Gat's neck" I want you hon, make me yours"  Wasita whisper while lapping on Gat neck.

Gat doesn't like it  but Wasita's touch making him hard, Wasita was about to slip his hand on Gat's boxer but the actor push her up and   immediately stood up  getting out from his room.

"Hon, came back here, where are you going?"

Wasita called Gat then  cover her naked body and fallow the actor But Gat already step outside in  their house. And all she can do is to shout in anger.

" Yes baby?"  Buntao said on the other line Gat called him.

"  Love, Can I come into your house.?" Gat said.

" Of course love, I'll send you my address, drive safely okay let me know when you reach my place." Buntao stated.

Gat cut the call Buntao send him his address, then he start the engine and drove into Mew's house.

After sometime of driving the road Gat came in Buntao's  house and he Informed the latter. minutes pass  the gate  slowly open and Gat drive inside park  his car on the garage. He saw Buntao smiling to him when he step out in his Car.

" What happened baby?"  Buntao ask when Gat come and Hug him.

" can we talk inside?" Gat simply said.

Buntao smile " of course baby, come inside" he held Gat hand and they step inside.

" Welcome to my home baby" Buntao smile and drag Gat in the living room.

"Can I have some water please" Gat Utter

Remembering what Wasita did earlier Gat need to be calm and Water might help him

"I get it for you baby wait here " Buntao walk into dining area to get some water.

Gat roamed his eyes inside Buntao house. While waiting his Boyfriend to came back with water.

" Here." Buntao said and Gat get the glass of water and Gulped it.

" Slowly baby" Buntao reminded him.

" Thanks love" Gat smile and place the glass on the table. Buntao sit beside him.

" What happened? Why Suddenly you came here this midnight" Buntao ask.

Gat heave a sigh"  Wasita  get inside my room and tried to touch me"

Buntao keep silent.

" I am tired ana exhausted last night and when I finished taking a shower I lay on my bed and felt asleep I didn't lock my room." Gat continue" and then I felt someone is touching me I even moan and when I open my eyes  i saw Wasita naked body on top of me.  He wants to make love and she even said that she wants to have a baby with me."

" and? " Buntao timidly ask.

" I push her away,  and I'm sorry"Gat pouted.

" Sorry for?" Buntao ask.

" I got hard on her touch."  Gat almost whisper.

" Yes I can saw that."  buntao said And  his gazed into Gat's lower body.

Gat silent  He felt shy and guilty for getting hard by the girls touch.

Buntao lift up Gat chin, to face  him,  he smile" it's okay baby,  that's normal,  " Buntao stated"  do you want me to help you on that?" He added.

Gat just  nodded.

Unexpected love ( Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant