Unexpected love. 6

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Gat's.  New Series epesode one already in the screen and it's trending on social media. And the Director gather a party for their Success Mr, Suppasit is invited as he is the Producer.

" Luv,  come with me, tomorrow night,
The Series that I produced, trending on social media on its  first episode. The Director held a party and I am Invited" Buntao called  Cathy.

" Ohh, really congrats luv, I'm sorry  but  I can't come with you. I have a  business trip later"  Cathy apologize.

" Okay, Take care luv." Buntao said.

" If you are not Comfortable then don't Go, for sure Gat will be there," Cathy said.

" It's okay luv, I'll be Rude If I wouldn't come. I just come home early," Buntao stated

" As you say so, luv.  Good luck Bye. Need to prepare my things, love you " 

Before Buntao can speak Cathy already hang up the phone.

" Daddy, I can come with you" Alex Suggested,

" Ohh, hi baby, how long have you been there." Buntao ask his son.

" It's not long Dad, I heard you ask Mommy Cathy to accompany you, on the Party, and Dada will be there, Can I come with you, I miss him I want to see him. " Alex said cutely.

Buntao can't rejects his  Son cuteness, " fine, now sleep early an be ready for tomorrow night. " Buntao Said.

" Yeh! Thanks Dad," Alex hug his father " I am so excited"

Alex dancing climbing on the  stares,

" Be careful Son" Buntao shouts and shake his head on Alex antics.

Buntao sigh How can he ignore Gat tomorrow when Alex is with him.


Buntao and Alex Arive at that party venue,  the actor's and actresses already inside with their respective partners Alex roaming around his eyes looking for someone Buntao holding his hand until. " Dada"

Alex scream and let god on Buntao grasp running come closer to Gat. Gat meet the kid they hug each other.

" Miss you Da, " alex said

" Miss you too kid" Gad whisper and let go the hug " Gat called Sam and introduce his daughter to alex.

" Sam, baby, Meet Alex" Gat said " Alex this is Sam my daughter, and this is My wife Wasita"

Alex smile to them, after sometime he look for his Daddy, who is busy talking some people inside that room. Buntao didn't bother to look for Alex he know Gat will take care of his Son.

Alex and Sam are eating, while Gat and. Wasita come closer To Buntao.

" Sir," Gat called Buntao.

The older keep on ignoring Gat but this Time he can't avoid  the actor.

" Yes," Buntao said.

" I would like you to meet My wife, Wasita"  Gat said

Wasita smile to Buntao.

" Nice meeting you, I'm a Fan." Buntao said which is true, he likes how Wasita as an actress.

" Thank you for giving my husband a chance to work under your  team , I somehow heard about you and I want to experience. The feeling working with you" Wasita said.

" will, no problem with me,  as a producer, my pleasure if I can work together with you just like husband." Buntao said the he Glance at  Gat" Congratulations"

Gat smile wide" Thank you"

Buntao cant take it anymore so he excuse himself from the couple." Please excuse Me I need to go in the restroom."

" Go ahead, Mr Suppasit. " Wasita said. And smile

" Gat please look for my Son for a while I'll be right back" Buntao said walking away heading to the restroom.


Fuck!.. I thought I can fight it but I am wrong.  Why I am hurting why? "

Buntao said closing his eyes,  to calm down. Himself aside that he is hurting he is jealous too.

" Are you okay? " 

Buntao open his eyes and to his Surprised he saw Gat behind him in the mirror.

" Yes, Im fine" Buntao answer he fix himself and was about to step outside when Gat hold his hand and push him  inside  the cubicle.

" What are you doing?" Buntao ask Gat

Instead of answering Buntao's question,  Gat crashed his lips against Buntao. The Producer Gat shock on the actor asults,  After sometime he closed his eyes and kissed back.

Buntao put his hand on Gat's waist and Gat wrap his hand in Buntao's nape and they suck each other's lips. Moving their head.  Feeling and tasting each other. Buntao lick Gat's lips causes to open his mouth and Buntao insert his tounge insides Gat mouth Buntao's Tounge roaming and tasting Gat's warm mouth.

" Mew.." Gat  moan between the kissed. caressing  Buntao's hair.

Buntao pulled Gat's body more closer to him while kissing him more and deep. Gat, can feel aroused when their lower part meet so as Buntao.

After sometime of kissing and sucking.  parted their lips to breathe.

" I missed you" Gat said panting from that make out.

" This is not right Gulf,  we both married and your wife is here"  Buntao said

Gat sigh " I know, but what  can I do  my heart Missing you and that kissed satisfied me,  it's been a month since we are not seeing each other  and when you  visit us last week, you  ignore. Me  I am not  stupid I know you are avoiding me. Mew. Can you  please tell me why?"

" To be honest, I like you. Gulf, I like you so much, and yes I am avoiding you ignoring you, cause what I feel for you is not right, we are married and I don't want to ruin your image as an  actor or as a married Man. " Buntao admitted.

" I like you too Mew, " Gat said smiling caress Buntao's face.

Buntao close his eyes feeling Gat's  soft Hands touching his face. Buntao held Gat's hand and put it into his lips and kissed it. Gat closes his eyes.

" We must Stop, Gulf this is not right, it's enough for Me That you like me too." Buntao said

" But you are not happy on your marriage and I am too. I didn't expect this Mew. I didn't expect  to feel affection towards a Man. I know it's not long since we've meet but I know in my heart,  I don't just like you. It is more than that, can we give our self a chance to be happy. I am sure I will be happy beside you" Gat seriously said.

" Just  Like you. I didn't expect this,  I didn't expect that I will fall in love at the married person,  yes Gulf you heard it right my  feelings towards you isn't just simple as like.  but there's a love. And yes I am not happy to my Married life. But this is wrong, " Buntao resorted.

Gat didn't argued anymore, he understands Buntao. Knowing that they like each other is enough. " Fine if that's your decision I'll understand."

Buntao and Gat look at each other for the last Time and crashed their lips against each other. After sometime of kissing. Gat broke the kissed and step out in that restroom.

Fuck!!  Buntao curse and punch the wall .

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