Unexpected Love. 7

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Buntao's Pov.

I keep my self busy just not to think Gat and I also avoided and ignore him  when we are seeing each other. Of course Cathy knows me well whenever I told her or not she can read my mind and my actions.  Yes I love Gat I am sure But i don't want to make a move that can ruin his image  id  rather hurt my self than to saw him Suffering cause of my selfishness. Days go by  the First episode of the series I produced was on air already, and the whole team gather a thanks giving party I ask  Cathy to come with me but she declined it and my Son Alex offer to come with me as he is missing Gat he wants to see the actor. I have no choice just to agree.

The day has come and me and my son preparing for that party. Alex ordered me  to move fast as he is eagerly  to meet  Gat. I don't know why he is liking that actor that much. After sometime we arrive at the venue and all the actors are already came with their partners I saw Gat with his wife and daughter. I felt pain in my heart why I need to fall inlove with the person that already belongs to someone else.

Alex screams Gat's name when my Son  saw him he run towards Gat and Gat meet him. They hug each other,  I know Gat will taking care of my son so I let them Together, I talk to some  actors. And Directors while I am checking and looking my Son from time to time I saw Gat give him a food.  All are eating and then Gat come closer to Me with his wife. I have no choice just to face him even if I still can feel the pain inside my heart it's not just the pain but I felt Jealous too.

Gat Introduce  his wife to me and I smiled at her, Gat's wife said she wants to work with  my team.  I also said that it is  my pleasure to working with her as I am his fan. Well that's true I admire Gat's wife on her acting skill but of course Gat is the best for Me among them all.

I can't fight my jealousy, especially when Gat's  wife being sweet to him. I excuse my self to go in the restroom and ask Gat to look after my son. I'm glad he agreed. In the restroom I touch my  heart and murmurs some words until I hear some one says.  " Are you okay?"

When I lift up my head and open my eyes. I was surprised when I saw Gat in the mirror.  Behind me But I manage to answer him. " I'm fine."

I fix my self and was about to get out in the restroom when Gat hold my hand and pushed me in  inside the cubicle.

" What are you doing?." I ask him.

Instead of answering me I felt Gat's lips on mine I  got shock but when Gat continue to kissed me i close my eyes and kissed him Back. His lips is taste good,   Gat wrapped his hand on my neck and I hold his waist. I tried to enter my tounge and Gat allowed it we are sucking each other lips.

" Mew.. " Gat Moans between our kisses. Caressing my hair I kissed him hard and deep. Until we both break the kissed as we need to breathe.

" I   missed you" Gat said panting.

" This is not right Gulf. You are married, your wife is here" I said this is not right I shouldn't let my self to be carried away In Gat's kissed.

Gat's said he knows that what he did is wrong but he just missed me and that kissed satisfied him.  He even knew that I am avoiding him. And ask me why? I have no choice just to tell him the truth after this moment maybe we might not seeing each other.

" To be honest, I like you. Gulf, I like you so much, yes I am avoiding you ignoring  you, cause what I feel for you is not right, we are married and I don't want to ruin your image as an  actor or as a married Man. " I said to him

" I like you too Mew, " Gat said smiling caress my  face.

don't know what to say especially when he said that he likes me. I should be happy right? knowing that the person I  like,  has a feelings for me too. But why it is hard for me to be happy  Why I am still hurting.

I just close his eyes feeling Gat's  soft Hands touching my  face. I held Gat's hand and put it into my  lips and kissed it.

" We must Stop, Gulf this is not right, it's enough for Me That you like me too." I  said

" But you are not happy on your marriage and I am too. I didn't expect this Mew. I didn't expect  to feel affection towards a Man. I know it's not long since we've meet but I know in my heart,  I don't just like you. It is more than that, can we give our self a chance to be happy. I am sure I will be happy beside you" Gat seriously said.

" Just  Like you. I didn't expect this,  I didn't expect that I will fall in love at the married person,  yes Gulf you heard it right my  feelings towards you isn't just simple as like.  but there's a love. And yes I am not happy to my Married life. But this is wrong, " I said back.

Gat didn't argued  with me anymore " Fine if that's your decision I'll understand."

We both look at each other for the last Time and crashed our lips, I guess this is our first kiss and last too.  After sometime of kissing. Gat broke the kissed and left me. when he's gone I scream and curse I even punch the wall. Why it's hurt like this.

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