Unexpected Love. 23

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" I planned to propose to you on a romantic places.  Bringing you in other country But Cathy  ordered me to propose you inside the Mall." Buntao said back hugging Gat and sniffing his neck.

" It's okay love. Place it's not important for me as long as you are the one who've proposing me I won't matter"  Gat said tilting his head to give Buntao more access.

" You and Cathy are really siblings baby you almost had the same thinking" Buntao said keep biting sometime sucking Gat's neck.

" Of course, honestly I admire My Sister so much,  love. when our parents died she become my parents she did everything for me.  " Gat stated.

" Hmmm I witnessed That baby, and she's not  only taking care of you  but  me too. Things didn't get  hard for me because of her. I must say she help me in everything. " Buntao utter

" I  am lucky to have her as my Sister, I'll always telling her, that  I want her to have her own family aside me But she doesn't want it, cause  having me is enough for her"

" I'll  tell her that too. But she just laughing at me,  I am hoping one day she finds the Man for her. as her Bestfriend I want her to be happy too." Buntao exclaim.

" I am hoping that too, enough talking about my Sister let's sleep I get tired raoming around inside the Mall" Gat mumbles.

Buntao turned around Gat to face him " Not so soon baby, let's celebrate our engagement"

" We did it last night love, let me sleep today okay, we do it tomorrow or next day" Gat utter.

Buntao didn't said a word he just Claim Gat's lip and kissed him hard" please Baby, I want to claim you all night long" he said between the kissed.

Gat who can't resist Buntao Kissed back " fine take me until your heart content"

Buntao broke the kissed." I love you baby. Can't wait to be your husband"

" I love you too love" Gat replied.

The two was about to kissed  again when suddenly someone knocking on the door.

" Daddy, Dada may I come in" Alex said

Buntao sigh but he walked closer to the Door then open it. Gat just smile on Buntao's action He want to feel his fiance too but of course Alex is more important.

" Daddy can I sleep here" Alex said politely.

" Of course baby, Me and your Dada was about to sleep too." Buntao said and sat to the left side of the Bed

" Yey thank you" Alex happily exclaimed and climb up to the bed he place himself in the middle. " Come. Here Da"

Gat smile Come. To bed and lay down in the right side.

Alex come closer to Gat and Hug him tight. " Good night parents I love you"

" We love you too baby." Gat said kissed Alex forehead.

Buntao come closer to the love of his life and hug them tight " good night baby I love you" he kissed Gat's forehead.

They both sleep peacefully.


" Ma'am Cathy, Miss Wasita  wish to talk to you." Cathy saw secretary said. Knocking on the door.

Unexpected love ( Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang