Unexpected. 20

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"Love, what are you doing here?"  Gat ask when he Saw Buntao laying on the sofa inside in Cathy's condo.

Buntao stood up right away. When he hears Gat's voice Instead of answering Gat's question he immediately come closer to Gat and hug the actor. "I called you so many times but you didn't pick up your phone? Are you alright?" Buntao ask.

Gat broke the hug and said" I am fine love, how about you?"

" I'm fine too I'm so worried about you how  you got here into my Bestfriend condo.?" Buntao ask. And held Gat to sat in the couch.

Gat was about to answer Buntao's Question when Buntao's phone receive a call." Yes hello." Buntao answer.

" Good evening Sir, sorry to disturb you but,  ma'am Cathy is doing a live on her Instagram you should watch it" Buntao's secretary stated.

The producer cut the call and immediately log in into his Instagram Cathy doing a live appears into her Instagram feeds. While Buntao is talking to his secretary. Gat's manager  message him that his Sister doing an Instagram live. Gat and Buntao watching Cathy's live on  Each others Phone.

" Hi everyone," Cathy said" some of you knew me already" she smile " anyway I am here doing this Instagram live to make everything cleared about the Photos of my Brother and my Bestfriend scattered, cerculating all over in the Socmed."

Cathy  heaven a long breath

. " Gat Kanawut is my half Brother  and Buntao Suppasit is my Bestfriend. And yes My Brother and my Bestfriend having a relationship for a while now and I am telling you. They didn't cheat to their so called wife. Because Gat doesn't married To Wasita, so as Buntao to Vinikah. "

Cathy paused.

" seven years ago. My Brother told me that he needs to Mary her Bestfriend Wasita because she is pregnant with her boyfriend and  Wasita's parents doesn't like that guy.  That's why She ask my Brother to Marry her,   I know I have no right to tell about their personal life.  but this is the only way to make things clearly,  I did not agreed but I love my brother so I let him be. on the same Day Buntao said that he needs to Mary Vinikah as she is Pregnant with Buntao's child.  well  Vinikah has  a crush and confess her feelings towards  Buntao since our college day But my bestfriend ignoring her  and one time  Buntao got  drunk and Vinikah use  that opportunity to make Buntao's hers.  as her Bestfriend I disagree But what can I do, I am just the Bestfriend, so I let him do whatever he want to do. Until the Wedding Day Came.  Gat and Buntao marriage happen in one day,  of course I chose to attend to my Brothers Wedding.  The Judge whom assign To Gat's and Buntao's Wedding is a friend of mine. and  I know My Brother and Bestfriend will getting Married unwillingly it's like they are Just forcing to do it because of the situation. I talk to the both Judge. I ask them to not registered, My brother and Bestfriend marriege certificate  and I signed the papers That if the thing we are going to do. find out someday I am the only one who will faced it and take the consiquincess. I know what  I did is wrong but I just want a best for  Gat and Buntao. I also knew that they are going to hate me for what I did I  betrayed them, I  fooled them but I didn't regret what I did seven years ago.  I will forget those hurtful words  cursings,  you threw  to My brother and Bestfriend today because you didn't know the  truth. But  after this live I will be monitoring your socmed especially those people who already shared and post  that  photo,  I will meet you in the Court."

Cathy ended her live and step out into her office,  she will  going home in their house. And  face  Gat and Buntao tomorrow. She needs to relax a bit as she is sure the boys will get angry at her.

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