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**TL;DR at the bottom if you don't want to read me rambling**

Hey everyone, it's been like what... almost seven months since I last updated this story? I've been off Wattpad for a while now and haven't replied to those asking about this fic, so I figured I'd write this to explain my absence and what the future of this fic is going forwards.

Soon after releasing Chapter 3, my school workload suddenly increased acutely. It kept me pretty busy, but I thought that I would eventually adapt, which I did successfully. Just as I started writing Chapter 4 again, some personal stuff that I won't get into came up, and the combination of that with my academic work kept me from coming back for good, even putting me off Wattpad entirely more recently. Even over the summer, I was managing a full-time job, a summer class, and the aforementioned personal matters, so I was barely getting any time to myself, let alone to this story.

These days, things are lightening up. I'm largely over a lot of what held me back, and even have a less taxing semester ahead of me (at least I think it should be), which has allowed me to come back and write this out to y'all. However, now that I'm more free, I've realized that I've lost my interest in CotE. It's a struggle to sit down and write this story because I just don't have that passion anymore to do so. Ultimately, writing is a hobby for me, so if I'm not enjoying it, I'm not going to write.

That's why I've decided that I'm putting this story on indefinite hiatus. I don't want to discontinue this story, because I have many fond memories of writing chapters of Wandering Misfit, reading and replying to comments, etc. A lot of the fun I've had in creating this story is because of all the readers here reading, voting, and commenting, so I thank you all for enabling such a wonderful experience on this platform!

That said though, if that interest ever reignites, whether it be in two weeks, two months, or two years, I'll probably come back to this and resume writing. I get that it must be frustrating having a story you like be discontinued (I've been on the receiving end many times), but I also have a life that I'm trying to make the best of. Writing this story right now would just not be all that great for me mentally. There's a mostly written draft of Chapter 4 that I might polish and release soon, but that's about it for the foreseeable future.

Again, I apologize for my lack of communication, and thank everyone who has read this far for being patient and understanding. I'll be a bit more active on Wattpad, so you might see me commenting somewhere or even writing a different fic in another fandom, but I won't be coming back to this. If I do, I'll take down this A/N and resume writing.

Finally, I just want to say that it's been a wonderful experience writing this story. I never expected it to get the attention it ultimately did. I always used to publish my chapters in the evening or night and then not check Wattpad until the next morning, so I'd get these absolute dopamine rushes seeing all your votes and comments. It makes me incredibly joyful knowing that people like this story, and it's not something I'll forget anytime soon.

This A/N has not been edited or proofread, so sorry if it's hard to read. I'll be replying to comments and y'all can message me on here anytime. Until then, goodbye and may you have a wonderful day/night!

TL;DR: I was busy earlier, now I'm back but lost interest in CotE, so the story is on indefinite hiatus. Chapter 4 might be finished and released soon but that's it. If I get back into CotE, who knows? 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2023 ⏰

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