Chapter 3 - Change Does Not Come Easy

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I was currently in a bit of a predicament.

"Come with me! We'll get you to warmth and shelter!"

The girl standing in front of me had an almost blinding smile, tipping an umbrella toward me, who was sitting under a store canopy. To the side was a blue sedan she presumably came from, "Ashinaga" emblazoned on its side in bright gold. The overcast sky and cool, rainy weather meant few people were out, despite it being a Sunday morning.

Note to self: never sit on the side of a road again, especially on a rainy day.

"Thank you for your kindness, but I'm fine right now."

"How can you say that when you're completely soaked? It's expected to rain until evening. You'll fall ill soon if you keep this up."

One look at the girl's alluring blue eyes, and I knew that she was being completely genuine with her intentions. Come to think of it, she looked like a miniature version of my manager apart from her hair, which was strawberry blonde in color. Coincidences sure could be freaky.

She was right, though. I hadn't anticipated rainfall today. Luckily, I had woken up before it started raining, meaning the only casualty was my white gown. It now clung to my skin, making me shiver every so often, but I had experienced worse without falling sick. The indoor shoes I received yesterday as part of my store uniform protected my feet from the elements. However, being designed for the indoors, their use was limited.

I was reminded of the importance of having a roof over my head. Not only would a shelter keep me warm and dry, but I could also keep my belongings there instead of carrying them with me, like right now.

That thought made the girl's offer all the more enticing. However, it was her generosity precisely that subconsciously made me wary of her.

I could not understand this form of unbridled kindness. When I looked at the people who gave me money after walking away, I could reasonably infer that they did so for satisfaction on their part. Some smiled to themselves, others continued their day with a newfound spring in their step, and others still seemed happy for me upon doing charity. In all cases, a boost to their morale was what they received in exchange for generously paying me. I was unaware of why giving up precious money was a cause to be happier, but at least a deal of some sort had taken place, and I could take solace in that they were unlikely to come asking for their money back in the future.

This case was different. It was not a one-and-done "I get money, you get joy" deal but rather an arrangement that went beyond money. Based on the girl's words, I anticipated receiving warm clothing and temporary shelter if I accepted her offer, but both were expensive. To provide such costly necessities for a fleeting moment of happiness was beyond foolish. I may have been wrong about those who thought me a beggar, but I could not treat this girl the same as them. I had to be on guard.

"What are you thinking about so much?" asked the girl, tilting her head. Cute. "You look a bit sad." Do I? Perhaps she was mistaking my apathetic veneer for gloominess.

"I have a hard time expressing myself, that's all," I said.

"I see. In that case, come along with me!" That bright smile was back on her face. She was almost the opposite of me when it came to emotions.

She gently took my arm with her free hand, but I quickly pulled it away. Upon realizing what had transpired, her eyes rounded, and she gaped at me.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly, her sweet, high-pitched voice cracking slightly. I could tell that she was not used to being rejected like this. If I was normal, I might have fallen for her by now.

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