Chapter 6

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Roxy had been so embarrassed that she had gone to bed early. She texted Emma and Lena saying that she had a headache and had decided to just go to bed. Reality was that she couldn't bring herself to face the pentagon, at least not now. Meanwhile back in the field, the night was still young and people were still enjoying themselves. Caleb, Levi and Kira had gone for a smoke and were casually talking. "Has any of you handed in the assignment?" Kira asked the two boys while taking a puff from her cig. Fun fact the reason the girls started hanging out with Levi and Caleb in the first place was because Kira and the boys were smoke buddies. "Which assignment?" Caleb asked with a frown. "The maths one, you dumbass" Levi said while playing with the lighter Leilani had gotten him for Valentine's Day last year. It was the silver heart shaped Vivienne Westwood one. Though Leilani was absolutely against smoking, she knew she couldn't just force him to stop. He was getting better at controlling his urges though, and he always seemed to have gum with him in order to not inconvenience his girlfriend.

 He was getting better at controlling his urges though, and he always seemed to have gum with him in order to not inconvenience his girlfriend

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(This is the lighter i was talking about btw)
The three who were all talking about maths had now switched the topic to one particular person. "I think  that Roxanne girl likes you dude." Kira said while looking at Caleb. Caleb laughed at this and responded, "Nah I don't think so man, but even if....i already like someone else." He ended his sentence while slightly blushing. " Cal blushing now." Levi teased with a lazy smile on his face. Caleb just stuck his middle finger out while taking another long puff. "When are you gonna ask Lena out anyways?" Kira asked while crushing the remains of her cig on the ground. "I don't know.....i was thinking winter formal, or after the plan at least." He said while looking at the ground. The moment he mentioned 'the plan' the air around them became a bit stiff. They all knew what he was talking about but decided not to bring it up again. "Yea good idea man, anyways speaking of Roxanne, y'all will never guess what she did ." Levi said with a smirk on his face while taking one final puff.

"What did she do this time? Except annoy us the whole night of course." Kira said while rolling her eyes. Kira thought back on the moment Roxy had asked about what her mom does, i mean poor girl couldn't have known but it had still pissed Kira off. "Well, she kind of watched me and Lani make out." Levi said with a chuckle. "Pffff no way... didn't think she was that type dude. Can't blame her though, y'all are kinda hot." Caleb said ending with a wink directed at Levi. Though Levi knew that the guy was joking he still punched him in the arm. "Owwww, i was just bullshitting....dipshit." Caleb said while painfully laughing. "Woah, how did Lei react? I can tell she already doesn't like the chick." Kira asked. "She didn't have a crazy reaction or know Leilani. But she did say something along the lines of 'we just gave her a free show' or something. That sent me into an orbit not gonna lie." Levi answered while laughing a bit to himself. The two nodded understandingly. "Why do you think she stopped you from saying that Rosanne's old school is where your cousin goes to though?" Caleb asked curiously. "Yea i was actually wondering the same thing, i asked Runa earlier and she had no clue either. And it's Roxanne you moron." Kira said and Caleb simply rolled his eyes while mouthing 'yea, yea whatever'. "I also have no clue to be honest... but you know Leilani, she definitely has her reasons." Levi answered while simply shrugging and putting his hands in his pockets. "We should ask her later, anyways you think Lev and i could sleepover at y'all's?" Caleb asked Kira. "I mean it shouldn't be a problem, y'all know how to climb up the windows already. Plus we're definitely going to Runa and Lei's room, I'm not cool with my roommate like that." The boys both nodded at this and they all proceeded to walk back to the field.

*3 hours later*
The event had ended about an hour ago and almost everybody had already gone to bed by now. The pentagon on the other hand were all in Leilani and Haruna's room and were just laying there and chatting. Even though they were all exhausted, they still wanted to spend some time together. Leilani and Levi were cuddling in her bed while the rest of the rvp were on Runa's bed. Levi had his head on Leilani's chest while she was playing with his hair and they were both listening to their friends bicker back and forth. "You guys are so unnecessarily mean to me!" Caleb said while hitting the girls with a nearby pillow. Kira picked another pillow up and started fighting back while Haruna was dying of laughter. "We're not mean, you literally just snatched the blanket what were we supposed to do?!" Kira half screamed at Caleb. Caleb at this point was done with everything and just stood up and headed to Leilani's bed.

"Woah woah what do you think you're doing." Levi said while Caleb literally fell on top of the couple. "Third wheeling duh." Caleb answered while positioning himself comfortably between the couple. While the two boys were arguing next to her, Leilani didn't say a word and looked like she was in deep thought. This didn't go unnoticed by the girls, "Umm..Lei, why did you stop Levi from saying that that was Rhea's school by the way?" Haruna asked while hugging her pillow even tighter. At this the boys kind of stopped arguing and both eyed Leilani curiously. Leilani briefly glanced at her friends, "Well, i don't know. I felt like she didn't necessarily need to know that and who knows, it may benefit us in some way." She said and simply shrugged. Kira slightly nodded and changed the topic. "Lei got her reasons man...but anyways, who wants to play uno??" She asked while moving to the carpet on the ground. Caleb quickly got up and joined her which meant Levi could finally access his girl.

He wasted no time and pulled her back to him. She immediately laid her head against his chest, silently listening to his heart beat. While Kira and Caleb were yet again arguing, the rest of the pentagon were talking about nothing and everything. That was until they were interrupted by a soft knock on the door. All five of them froze thinking it was the hall director, that confused the girls though because the woman rarely ever came to their side of the dorm. Especially at this hour. Runa decided to go answer the door while the boys scattered to quickly hide in the closet. They were all fully expecting to get their disciplinary points deducted though. Haruna carefully opened the door just a little a bit and the widely when she saw who was at the door. "It's just Roxanne guys, you can come out." Haruna said while begrudgingly heading back to her bed. "Almost gave me a heart attack. And babe I literally thought i lost that hoodie turns out it was here all along." Levi said while him and Cal came out from their hiding spot. Leilani simply shrugged at her boyfriend and they all proceeded to look at Roxy who had now entered the room and closed the door behind her. Since they were all just kind of staring at her, she tried to break the ice. "Sorry didn't mean to scare y'all...and weren't you the one who literally told me that boys weren't allowed in the dorm Lei? Hahahh" she awkwardly laughed trying to ease the tension but that clearly wasn't working. "Just tell us what you came here to say Ros-Roxanne." Caleb said while plopping on Haruna's bed. "Right....guys i just wanted to start over really. I first wanted to apologise to Lei and Levi for earlier, really didn't mean to walk in on you guys. And i feel like I've been going at this the wrong way. I'm never this awkward usually but imma just say it like this....i wanna join your friend group." She ended with an awkward smile.

The silence in the room was absolutely LOUD. The rvp just kind of gave each other looks, not knowing how to respond. The sound of someone bursting into laughter broke the silence. Levi was absolutely losing it without shame. He was laughing so much that Caleb had to walk up to him and try to stop him. Well that didn't work and both boys ended on the floor absolutely dying. Kira was also about to lose it at the sight. "Umm...since when were we taking applications guys?" Haruna asked while looking around and at this, they all lost it. "OMG I can't breathe....uhhh Lei imma leave this to you." Kira said while catching her breath. "Umm..Roxanne, about earlier its fine really its not a big deal. But girl this isn't a book club. I don't know how y'all make friends in the west coast but..." an amused Leilani said. At this point everybody had composed themselves, even the two boys whose faces had turned red from all the laughing.

"Right... i don't know what i was thinking, gosh this is embarrassing. I'll just go then... goodnight guys." Roxy said and was about to sprint out the door until someone's voice stopped her. "By the way's Leilani for you." Leilani said without a hint of amusement on her face this time. Just a cold blank stare directed at the girl. Roxy got out of there immediately after with embarrassment flowing through her veins. She walked fast to her room and plopped on her bed. She looked at the girl across the room, who was peacefully sleeping. She hoped that Lena would never hear about what just happened, even though that was unlikely. As she lay in bed after having embarrassed herself for the second time today, a new feeling replaced the embarrassment. Resentment.

Author's note: i was thinking of doing a double update. Do y'all want a special L and L chapter?
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