Chapter 3

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It was later that day and Roxy was now standing by the lockers next to where the student council usually had their meetings. The only reason she knew that was because of Lena, who had told her that they'd be having a meeting later that day in order to talk about the bonfire they were organizing that coming Saturday. Speaking of Lena, there she was approaching Roxy at a fast pace.

"Hey!! i'm literally sweating....i just ran from the other side of school just to get to my locker." Lena says out of breath. Roxy slightly laughs and says; "Well the good thing is that you'll be right in time for the meeting....even if you're a bit sweaty." "Yea you're right...what are you doing here anyways?" Lena says while getting some stuff from her locker.

"Oh....i just wanted to see this place....i've never been on this side of the school. Its such a coincidence seeing you here." Roxy says wondering if Lena fell for that lie. There was no way she could tell Lena that it was because she wanted to talk to the pentagon. Lena looked at her skeptically but just nodded.

As soon as Lena had gotten a bunch of tote bags from her locker, they both saw the pentagon approaching. There they were in all their glory. Leilani and Kira were walking ahead while the rest were a few paces behind, with Haruna walking between the two guys. Even from where they were standing they could feel the confidence radiating from all five of them.

The closer they got, the faster Roxy's heart started beating. This was the moment she was waiting for. Then she saw all five of them smiling in her direction. Was this real? There was no way......that's when she remembered that she was standing next to Lena aka a member of the student council. 'Of course that wasn't meant for you dumbass' Roxy thought to herself while pulling herself together.

"LENA!" "hey Len!" "yoooo" could be heard coming from the pentagon. None of them had seemed to notice Roxy's presence until Leilani did. "Oh hey...Roxy right? I see you've met Len" Leilani says with that same polite smile from last week. "Oh yea...she's my roommate! How have you been by the way?" she says the last part very softly that none of them heard her though she thought they did but ignored her. Leilani softly nodded without answering her question and turned her attention back to Lena who was deep in conversation with the others.

She had never felt so ignored before. At her old school she used to be one of the popular kids, so she wasn't gonna become a nobody at RavenWood.

They all started to leave but to Roxy's surprise the boys stayed behind. "You coming Len?" Levi says with his hands in his pockets. "Oh yea i just gotta get these and i'm coming." Lena answers referring to the three tote bags at her feet. "Here, let's help!" Caleb says while taking two and passing one to Levi. "Thanks guys! We can go now....I'll see you later Roxy." Lena says as she joins both guys. Caleb slightly nodded at Roxy as to acknowledge her while Levi didn't even glance at her.

"Did you really get everyone muffins?" Levi asks while looking into one of the bags. "Yea...i told you guys i'd bring muffins to the next meeting." Lena says while laughing. "We literally thought you were just bluffing time i'll request pizza." Caleb says and all three laugh as they walk away.

Seeing them like that made Roxy feel....jealous? She knew she didn't have the right to feel like that and she was kinda mad that Lena didn't even tell her that they were close. But she had to remember that this was just week one...and she still had time to get close to them. 'I'll try again at the bonfire.' she thought to herself. With that in mind she headed to the dorm.

*meanwhile further away with the pentagon girls*

"Who was the chick that was with Lena?" Kira asks curiously. "Yea i actually also wanted to ask you that." Haruna adds. "That's the new girl in our class.....but i don't know....there's something off about her." Leilani says. "Oh my gosh....that's exactly what i thought when i saw her staring at gave me goosebumps not gonna lie." Haruna says remembering how she made eye contact with her.

"Huh? Am i the only confused?" Kira says having no idea what they're talking about. "Of course you didn't even look at the would've felt it if you had just glanced at her trust me." Haruna says seriously. "Yea Runa's right....there's just something off about her....even from the moment we first met....she was kind of analyzing me and it felt....creepy. I don't know maybe i'm overthinking it." Leilani says like she's deep in thought. After that none of them brought up the topic again and just silently walked to the meeting room.

Later that evening as Roxy was relaxing in her room, Lena finally came back from the meeting. "Oh my gosh....i really need to take a shower right now. Oh hey Rox!" Lena says while plopping onto her bed. "Hey! the way can i ask you something?" this pulls Lena's attention as she turns towards Roxy, "Go ahead"

"Are you like close to the pentagon?" Roxy asks not sure how Lena is gonna respond. She's surprised when she hears the other girl laughing. ".... i'm sorry its just...don't tell me you also call them 'the pentagon'. Oh no everyone has already brainwashed you." Lena says while collecting herself. Roxy just kind of stares at her so Lena just answers her, "I mean....i don't know if you'd say we're close but i do consider them my friends...i don't know man."

Roxy finds her answer very vague but doesn't push it. Instead both of them changed their outfits and got ready for dinner. After an hour or so, they both headed to the cafeteria while casually chatting. They got in line for food and as they were about to look for a table, someone unexpected walked up to them.

"Hey Len...wanna have dinner with us? We kinda have to talk to you about ummm...the thing." none other than Caleb said. Lena immediately understood what he meant by that but felt bad for ditching her friend. "I'm so sorry Rox, but i gotta can join Emma right?" Roxy couldn't believe that Lena was actually ditching her for the pentagon but tried to play it off as if she didn't care. "Oh yea that's fine, i'll see you later! Oh and hi Caleb!" she said smiling brightly at Caleb.

He looked good she thought to herself. Dressed in a simple white Ralph Lauren sweater and black jeans, Caleb looked classy yet casual. "Umm hi! Rosanne? Roxanne? Sorry i'm really bad with names." he said awkwardly. "Oh that's fine, its Roxanne or Roxy or whatever." she said and he slightly nodded and turned back to Lena. "You coming?" "Yea lets go" she answered and waved at Roxy before they walked away. Roxy watched as they both walked to where the rvp always sit.

She saw how their faces lit up when they saw her and how they all seemed to go into a deep conversation right after. She didn't want to look pathetic just standing there so she just walked up to Emma and Aryan's table.

She stayed quiet for a while but noticed that nobody was talking about Lena going to sit with the pentagon so she just had to ask. "Is it normal that Lena just has dinner with the rvp or am i missing something?" she asks Aryan who was seated next to her. "Oh yea...she goes to sit with them once in a while just like some their other  friends." Aryan says picking at the salmon on his plate. "Huh? I thought the rvp was like really closed off from like the rest of us" "I mean yea they kind of are but like they do have other friends outside of the rvp, like Aisha from chem for example, or literally like half of the football team and also some other popular kids." Aryan answers but Roxy still looks confused. "I understand the concept is a bit confusing and trust me we all had a bunch of jump-scares when we thought the pentagon had become a hexagon. But we figured they also had other friends, i guess Lena is just one of's not that deep." Aryan says and joins the current conversation his friends were having.

That had Roxy thinking, 'if nobody has been able to make them a hexagon.....then I will'. She looked back at the rvp's table and swore to herself that she'd be the one sitting there next time.

Author's note: Heyyyyyy :) share your thoughts! It'd be great to hear how you're finding the story so far.

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