Chapter 6

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Willow’s POV: 2 Months Later

It’s been two months and my bio family, and my mom are extremely close and last night during dinner my bio dad’s father called and let's just say my dad got an ear full. It’s Sunday and my extended family members are coming over tomorrow to see me because my dad hasn’t told them he found me for 2 months, so my grandpa is currently pissed with him. Right now, it’s 6 o’clock and me and my friends are at the office. Well, me and Callie. Eddie and Devin went to an underground fight.

I was looking at some designs and emailing some employees and clients. I talked to Apollo and somehow, I convinced him to come to Italy so he will be here tomorrow as well. Devin and Eddie will meet him for the first time, and I can’t wait for their reactions. I told Callie about him because she saw me on face time with him by accident and kept bugging me about him.

So, after getting annoyed with her, I told her everything and then I convinced him to move to Italy. I guess I was in my office longer than I planned because when I looked out my window, I saw it was nighttime. I check my watch and see it’s in fact 9 o’clock at night. I sighed and went back to my paperwork. I wasn’t even able to write once before my office door was thrown open. I looked up to expect Devin or even Eddie, but I saw Atlas standing there.

I lean back in my chair and cross my arms. “What do I owe the pleasure big brother?” I asked. He raised his eyebrow before walking in my office and sat down across from me. “Do you know what time it is?” he asked. I nodded my head. “It’s around nine o’clock.” I said. “Why aren’t home?” he asked. “I forgot about time, and I am doing work.” I said.

“What do you do?” He asked. “Designing. I’m an interior designer.” I said. He nods his head before getting up and holding out his hand. I sigh and grab his hand before standing up. I grabbed my things, and we walked out of my office and walked out of the building and headed home.

When we got home, I took a shower and went downstairs and got something to eat before joining the others to a movie night. After the movie, we said goodnight and went to bed. I woke up to my alarm going off at around 5:30 in the morning. I sighed and got out of bed. I got dressed after taking a shower and doing my morning routine.

Once I was completely ready for the day, I sat down at my desk in my room and started some more work. After doing about 10 stacks of paper in 30 minutes, I got changed into some sweat clothes and went to the dance studio that’s on the first floor next to the gym. I put some music on and lowered the volume a little before getting started stretching. I played the song “Taki Taki” by DJ Snake Ft. Selena Gomez, Ozuna, Cardi B.

Taki Taki dance Choreography


After dancing to three songs, I realized it was 10 o’clock and my extended family should be here at 10:30. I grabbed my phone, towel, water bottle and left the dance room before going upstairs to my room and took a shower before getting dressed into a different outfit.

After doing my hair, I walk out of my room and go downstairs. I walk in the kitchen and grab a smoothie before turning around to see everyone staring at me. “What?” I asked. “You and Atlas take after your father way too much.” Momma said. “What? No, we don’t.” me and Atlas say at the same time. Everyone laughs as me and Atlas glare as each other. I roll my eyes at them and lean back in my chair.

After talking for a bit, we went into the living room and right when we sat down, the doorbell went off. Everyone groaned. “I’m not getting it.” The boys said. Momma shook her head and asked one of the guards to open the door. Everyone stood up when we heard footsteps pounding the nice flooring of the house like a standpead of elephants.

Everyone was standing causing them to hide me. I’m not really standing behind their fat asses, so I’ll just sit here until they all move. After a lot of greetings, I heard a womans voice ask, “Where’s my favorite grandbaby.” The same time I heard mom say, “Lora?” she asked. I was out of my seat in an instant. I heard lots of gasps, but I didn’t pay any attention to it. Standing right in front of me is my grandma, nana Lora. I met her when I was walking home from elementary school, she was being cornered by a group of men. When I knocked all of them out, her Husband showed up with some guards, papa Gio.

“Willow?” she asked surprised. I quickly ran up to her and hugged her. We pulled away after a few minutes and then I saw papa Gio. I smiled and hugged him before looking at the others to see them in shock. “You guys know each other?” Momma asked. I nod my head. “I saved nana Ray and then papa Gio showed up.” I said.

They were even more shocked when I called papa Gio his usual name. We all sat down and talked about random things, and everyone asked me questions and got to know me. It wasn’t until the doorbell went off did, everyone stop talking and most of the men tensed. Dad sent one of the guards to open the door and they came back with Apollo. I quickly got up and went to hug him, he gave me a quick hug back and nodded his head at Atlas.

I introduced him to everyone and then the parents told us teenagers to go play while they talk. Old people, am I right? Anyways, some of my brothers went to play video games with apollo and my cousins. Me and Callie shake our heads at them and sit in the corner of the game room and talk as I look through some designs some of my employees made.

We were interrupted when the boys asked if we wanted pizza for lunch. We said ‘yeah’ and they ordered some and when Atlas came in with about 10 boxes of pizzas with Luke following behind with 10 more boxes of pizza. Me and Callie looked at each other wide eyed before Atlas came and asked us if he could join. I nodded my head at him and him and some guy came with some papers and computers before joining us at the table.

“This is my friend Leo.” Atlas said, me and Callie introduce ourselves before we start doing our own work. I had Callie scheduled for 2 meetings tomorrow and told one of the workers at the orphanage that I will be visiting tomorrow. We were so busy we didn’t realize the room had gone quiet until we saw everyone quietly whispering to each other.

I shook my head and continued working when a maid came in and told us that dinner was done. I look out the window and realize it’s nighttime. Everyone gets up and cleans their mess before we all walk out of the game room and towards the dining room. As we all sit down eat as the men start talking about business while the woman talks about their jobs and having a girl's day out.

After everyone was done eating, we all head to the living room to watch some tv and us teens to play some board games with the older kids joining in. After a while, we all went to bed after saying goodnight.

I was peacefully sleeping when I heard some glass shattering. I heard a few screams and then some yells. I shot out of my bed and quickly changed into some comfy clothes and before I could walk out of my bathroom, I heard gunshots. I quietly walk out of my bathroom and put some sneakers on before quietly walking out of my room, being cautious of intruders.

I quickly walked into mom’s room to see if she was in here, but she wasn’t. I went to walk downstairs when I felt someone hit me on the back of the head, everything went black.

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