Chapter 3

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Willow’s POV:

I was too busy editing some photos when I heard the waiting room door open. I didn’t bother looking too busy with this one photo to even care who came in. I heard someone clear their throat about 4 times. “If you keep doing that, then go get water or some cough drops. No one wants your germs or your sickness.” I said. “Miss Willow.” I heard Officer Brown say. I sigh and look up from my computer to see two men and a woman sitting near the waiting room window. I look at Officer Brown and raise my eyebrow.

“These are your parents and they-” he said but I cut him off. “They aren’t my parents.” I said confused. “Yes, they are. We did a DNA test-” he said but I cut him off again. “So, you did a DNA test without my consent. Did you know you could go to jail for that? If you didn’t have my consent or my mothers, you will be fired and will be going to prison for that.” I said. “These people aren’t parents. I lived with my mother for 17 years of my life. I know what my mother looks like. Now excuse me but I must get to hospital to check on my friend.” I said, getting up with my things and walking out of the waiting room and towards the exit.

“Wait. Please.” I heard someone say. I turn around to see a woman who looked a little familiar standing there in front of me with the two men walking towards her. One of them looked familiar as well while the other one, the younger one who I’m guessing is their son who looks just like me. “You might not believe it. But we are your parents. I could recognize you from when you were a baby.” the woman said. “Baby? You mean to say you’re my biological parent?” I asked. They both nodded. I nod my head and bit my lip. “So, you’re the biological parents.” I said with a nod.

The woman had a smile on her face while the two men looked really happy to see me, but they guarded their emotions with a cold face. “Well, it's nice to see my biological parents but I never want to see any of you again so excuse me but I have to go and see if my friend is okay before going to see if my mother who loves me and took me in when my biological parents abandoned me is okay.” I said, walking out of the police station. I threw my things in my car and quickly left the police station and towards the hospital.

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