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Three weeks later, they made it to Amarillis City. Three long weeks, traveling day and night, to get to safety. Amarillis was a beautiful city, and was a mosh pit of people.

        “Look at all of the flowers!” Elfii said excitedly.

        “This place is beautiful indeed. Amarillis was always my favorite place to go. Father and I would come here to buy all of the different weapons and produce.” Snowfox said.

“Fantastic. This place is amazing, but where are we going to stay?” Noll asked.

“My family had a cottage here. I doubt it’s in good condition, but it will have to do for now.” Snowfox said with a sigh.

They walked through the crowded city, with no one trying to catch them. The hunters didn’t think we would come to a huge city. Snowfox thought.

They strolled through the crowds to an abandoned estate. It was slightly dilapidated, but still had a roof over it. The stone walls were covered in moss, and crumbling down. The windows were shattered and busted out. The door hung loosely on it’s hinges, and everytime the wind blew it would make an awful creaking sound.

“Well it’s a better than what I thought it would be. I guess no one wanted to come here when they knew the whole family was murdered.” Snowfox said as she stretched back, “Let’s go in.”

They headed into the old building, and settled down. The furniture was covered in white cloth to protect it from fading and dust.

“Wow, the furniture is still in great condition!” Elfii exclaimed.

“Yes, our house-keeper didn’t like doing any extra work, so she covered the furniture in cloth to protect it.” Snowfox said.

“This stuff is a little extravagant don’t you think?” Tala mumbled.

“Our parents wanted us to look like high class nobles.” Onvyr said.

They searched the house to make sure no one else was there, and then set up their sleeping areas in the main room.

Over the course of three days, they managed to clean up the estate on the inside. They still had a lot of work to do. The main room was cleaned up minus the couple holes in the walls and first floor ceiling.

“Are we going to stay here for a while?” Elfii asked.

“More than likely. If we can fix this place up we should be able to live here. Amarillis is the perfect place to live. No one from Auglatha comes here except merchants and nobles who want a vacation, or need supplies.” Onvyr said. 

“Woo. This place is nice and all, but how am I going to perfect my smithing?” Alverdus said slightly annoyed, “ You guys may think this is all fine and dandy, but I can’t stay here.”

“Where will you go brother?” Elfii asked.

“I think I will go to Master Gorn’s place. I can finish my studies there and then spend the rest of my life living with dwarves. They are fun.” Alverdus said with a smile.

“Well, if you wish to leave then do it. It’s less mouths to feed.” Tala remarked.

Alverdus walked to his side of the room, and plopped down on his makeshift bed.

I’m gonna leave here. I don’t care who tries to stop me! Alverdus thought.

Shadowmoon hopped over to where Alverdus sat.

You know, I think you should leave. Experience new things. Live the life of adventure. Have fun, and honestly you should be a little nicer to Elfii. She is delicate, but still wants you to stay by her side. Shadowmoon said.

“I know, but I don’t want to stay in a place where I can’t master smithing. I like the dwarves. I care about people there too. I could care less whether or not Elfii wants me to stay.” He replied.

It’s your life, live it the way you want to live it.

Shadowmoon strolled away to Snowfox. He sat down beside her, and told her everything that just happened. I don’t like spying for you. Anyways he wants to leave and go to the dwarven kingdom. He said he had people he cared about there. Shadowmoon said.

We can only assume he has a lover that lives with dwarves. Snowfox replied.

Well, I don’t want my son to leave, but if he has someone he cares about then I will let him go. Noll added.

“Then it’s settled. He can leave, but Elfii will be quite upset.” Snowfox said.

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