Snowfox &Shadowmoon

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  It all started four hundred years ago, when a dragon egg was laying in a pile of pine needles in a forest. As shakes, a storm cloud brews over head. The cloud suddenly opens up and releases a crack of lightening! It strikes the egg, and the egg stops moving. The storm dissolves in a flash, almost as if it only came to release the brightest flash of lightening ever to be known to man.

        The next day, the dragon egg starts to move again, but this time it’s a tapping sound like something is trying to break through. As the series of taps increased, so did the shaking and shuttering. With a crack, the egg burst open, and out comes a baby dragon.The egg wasn’t the only thing in the forest. An elf happened to be walking through at the time the egg hatched. She was an elf named Snow Fox, She had white hair and ice blue eyes.       

“What a peculiar little hatchling. Steel gray scales, black underbelly, and silver horns. So small, with feather-like wings. I think I’ll name you Shadowmoon.” Snowfox said, “Since you have gray and black scales with silver horns.”

        Shadowmoon made a little puff of smoke in agreement. Well, she seems nice. Shadowmoon thought. 

        Thank you little one, and I can hear your thoughts as well. Snowfox told her,  I’m going to take you home with me because you might freeze out here all alone.

        Ok, thank you.

        The two traveled all the way to Auglathlato, to the cave-like home of Snowfox. Her home was large indeed, but scarcely decorated. There was a couch and a mahogany table with two chairs to match. There were a couple pictures hanging on the cold walls and a beautifully woven rug laying in the middle of the cold stone floor. In the back was a medium sized bed with a mix-matched pelt quilt. There was a large fire place sitting off to the side of her bed.

Well this is where you’ll be living until you’re old enough to live on your own. What do you think? Snowfox asked

        It’s very nice, but there isn’t a whole lot of decoration.

        Well, when you live in a cave I think simplicity is your best option.

        Oh, so where are all of the other humans?

        We are elves, not that Bhin Biir, human garbage. Anyways, I live in the outskirts of town. I’m not a one to speak to others.

Can we go into the town?


They put there their traveling gear away and picked up Snowfox’s coin purse. As they headed into town, Snowfox saw a wanted sign. It said: 


Snowfox Delimbiyra

For Assassination of the High King

Of Auglatha

        She quickly ripped down the poster and walked faster.

They know about it already, but he was just killed! How? Will I ever be able to set foot in another town Unnoticed? She thought.

         What was that, Snowfox? Did you say something?

        No no, I didn’t.

As Snowfox neared closer to the town, she saw more and more wanted posters. Crap! They are going to see me, she thought in frustration. The town gates were coming into their line of sight.

When they arrived at the main part of Auglathla, Snowfox snuck into the shadows. She knew where she had to go to get supplies for herself and Shadowmoon. It was a long shot, but she had to go to her trusted friend’s home. He sold items in the black-market, and his name was Onvyr. Just as she was about to step into his home, a little girl stopped her.

“Do you have any spare coins? I need some to buy medicine for my nys.” the girl asked.

“Here child when you are done, go straight home, ok?”  Snowfox said sternly.

“Yes ma’am.” The little girl ran off, clutching at her coin like it was all she had.

Snowfox knocked on the door, and Onvyr answered. “Come in, come in. Quickly, or else you will be seen by the arch-mage and his knights.” he said anxiously.

“Aye, that wouldn’t be very good. I also have something to show you.”

“And I you, let’s go.”

Onvyr and Snowfox walked into the attic, which was the safest place to go in Onvyr’s home. “Ok what do you need Snow? Supplies are limited since you killed the king.” Onvyr said.

“Well, let me show you what I have-er well, found first.” Snowfox said as she dug around her satchel for Shadowmoon, “Here see, I found this dragon in the middle of the woods when she started to hatch. Her name is Shadowmoon.”

“Why the hell do you have a dragon?! You know what kind of trouble that can get you into!” Onvyr roared, trying not to alert the guards with his yelling.

“It’s not like I’m not in trouble already. I killed the king remember, and you helped me.”

“Yeah, yeah, but is giving you a demon sword is really aiding a criminal right?”

“yes it is, don’t back out of it.” she said, “Anyways, I need food for her and myself. What is it that you wanted to tell me?”

“More like show you. Follow me.”

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