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Memories could be beautiful or dreadful...but beyond every memory there is a soulful life......


ACP and Ananya (in chorus): it's just a prank...

Duo's jaws dropped seeing ACP and Ananya's instant prank on them that too without planning anything previously...

ACP and Ananya started to laugh seeing their shocked face and did a HI-FI...

ACP (in casual tone): chalo beta...ab jaake khana khathe hai...

Ananya (in cute tone): haan sir...mujhe bhi bahot bhook lagi hai...chaliye...

With that both entered the house leaving the shocked Duo behind...

6 months later....

The night was the most pleasant and silent phase of life...

The long lonely road seems to be too much silent in the night.....

Suddenly a bike sound kills the silence....

The daring officer of CID was the owner of that bike.....

Yes...its none other than ABHIJEET who was on the way to his home after a heavy tiring day.....

After covering a good amount of distance he noticed a sudden appearance of two bikes behind his bike...

He alertly increased the speed slightly feeling something wrong....

His suspicion turned right...

The bikers started to fire bullets over Abhijeet...

Abhijeet increased the speed much and started to drive the bike in a zig zag manner to escape himself from the bullet hits.....

He slightly turned to look at them...

Due to the presence of street lights he could see their face clearly...

They didn't even weared any mask to hide their identity....

He got surprised.....

But he jerked his head and started to concentrate on the road...

All of sudden the gun shots got stopped.....

Abhijeet turned behind....

There was no sign of the bikes anymore.....

He slightly reduced the speed of the bike.....

Suddenly a car appear from a intersecting road and hit Abhijeet's bike....

Abhijeet fell down on the road with his bike...

He looked at the car....

The person in the car gave a smirk look...

He got confused with the look......

Then the car went off from the place.....

Abhijeet with much difficult got up after slightly lifting his bike.....

He was not injured much as the car didn't hit his bike hard...

His left forearm was bleeding.....

He felt some sharp pain in his knee and leg too....

He took his handkerchief and tied it over his bleeding forearm.....

First he thought to call someone....but he looked at the's already 10 : 30....and also he thought it's better to hide as he didn't want to see his family in tension...

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