Chapter 7 - Down the Rabbit Hole

Start from the beginning

"I'm really glad I met you Belle," Jack eventually said, turning to me and smiling.

"I'm really glad I met you too. All of you," I gestured to the others who waited by the edge of the lake. They all smiled at me encouragingly.

"Can we go to the Warren now?" Bunny asked. He sounded almost irritated. As if he was homesick. What the heck is a Warren? Tooth nodded in agreement, knowing it was time for me to see something different.

"Just ask North and you can come back any time!" she said, frantically shaking her hands in excitement. I looked at the mural one last time before Jack and I headed back to the edge.

"Thank you. For letting me come here," I smiled at Tooth.

"Naw! You are so sweet!" she smiled back. She floated down a little and we hugged. She was so warm, like a pillow. Her feathers tickled my nose a little, but I pushed that aside.

"What makes me so special?" I asked once Tooth had pulled away. Why is it that I'm the first human to visit these places? They all just looked at me amazed and confused. I had a tendency to blurt out questions at random times as they popped into my head. Comes with the stubbornness I suppose.

"I mean... why did you bring me here? There are heaps of people who stop and start believing every day in you guys. Besides the fact that you know my dad, why did you bring me here?"

"Belle, we understand that there are people who stop believing, most are around your age. They think they're too old to have such childish thoughts. They have no need for us anymore. But if there is even one child we can help, we shall. Yes, we do know your father. And yes, we do know that one day, you will tell your own children of this. And they shall believe and tell their children, and their children, and their children, and so on. It isn't only you we're helping Belle. It's many children for years to come. Hopefully," North explained, winking.

"Besides, this was Jack's idea and he said you were different and he was stubborn about your stubbornness. So that is also partially the reason," Tooth gestured.

"Look... it's not only us that chose you. Remember the Man in the Moon talking to you? Do you think he would have done that with anyone else? He's very picky when it comes to who he talks to. One word is said to very, very few from him. But he spoke to you twice! That never happens with humans. Heck, he talked to Jack once! And all he did was tell him his name!" I looked over to Jack and he leant on his staff, with that gorgeous half smile he wore so well. So... it wasn't the Guardians who chose me, it was the Man in the Moon? I had to think this over for a moment. It was even more peculiar what the Man in the Moon had said to me: Search. Jack. Did he mean Jack as in... Jack Frost? Did he want me to search for Jack Frost? Is that what he had asked me to do? God I was confused trying to figure it out.

"But enough with that! Let's go to the Warren!" Bunny announced, scraping me out of my thoughts.

"Deer! Go back to Pole!" North yelled to his reindeer. Immediately, they flew away, dragging the sleigh behind them, bouncing along like we had while in it.

"Don't they have to go through the portal?" I asked. I didn't know how far away the pole was but considering the weather difference I assumed it would be a while away. What if they get tired? Then again they deliver all the presents to every child in the world in a single night so they would be fine with flying long distances.

"No! That was shortcut," North said, swashing his hand as if it was no big deal.

"Alrighty then! Let's go!" Bunny tapped the floor with his foot and my heart rose as I began to fall. Screaming in shock and joy I slid through a large tube. Winding down mossy tunnels, like a rollercoaster. I frantically searched for something to hold onto, and found I was holding Jack! He had a hand behind my back, supporting me as I gripped his jumper, sliding beside each other. Twists, turns, loops, slips and slides! Then a light appeared off in the distance. The end of the tunnel.

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