Chapter 9 - Coaches' Cafeteria Meal

Start from the beginning


When the window number for meal collection appeared, if it was window No. 3 for everyone, the athletes would joyfully head there, looking like they had won a prize.

However, if the window number had nothing to do with window No. 3, the athlete collecting the meal would appear somewhat downcast. They would then gaze at their teammates' window numbers with envy, their eyes welling up with longing tears.

After collecting their meals, most of the athletes would exchange glances with each other, looking at the food on their respective plates. Then, they would quickly head to their table and start eating without much ado.

For most athletes, eating was somewhat of a mission. Regardless of the type of food provided by the team, for the sake of their health and better training, they needed to diligently finish every mouthful.

Even if not every athlete was as picky as Cui Luoheng, this mission-like approach to dining wasn't the most enjoyable experience.

However, this situation had improved drastically ever since Chef Su Bai arrived on the third floor cafeteria!

Nowadays, among these 76 elite athletes, every single one of them praised Su Bai for their three meals, and for one reason only – the food Su Bai cooked was incredibly delicious!

Take a look at that scallop and egg custard – tender and smooth, with a sweet egg fragrance subtly mixed with a hint of saltiness. A sprinkle of fresh green onions on top and a touch of soy sauce colored the dish. Just the aroma alone would make your stomach rumble uncontrollably. Taking a bite, the deliciousness would smoothly slide down your throat, tempting you to scoop up a second, then a third spoonful.

After a couple more spoons, you would encounter the scallops hidden in the tender steamed egg. The natural saltiness and freshness of the scallops combined with the egg's fragrance. Oh my, how could a small bowl ever be enough?

And then there's the steamed fish – a thin layer of steamed fish sauce spread on the plate, followed by a freshly steamed pomfret, its aroma captivating and irresistible. They weren't sure how their Chef Su Bai steamed the fish, but whether compared to the previous plain steamed pomfret or the one Su Bai steamed, the difference was like comparing a wilted flower to a tender, juicy blossom.

"Oh my, how can it be so tender and flavorful?" Qiu Wen cradled his plate of plain steamed pomfret, enjoying his meal. Suddenly, a large shadow loomed behind him.


Qiu Wen felt a bit bewildered as he followed the direction of the shadow and looked up. Oh my! Coaches, a whole group of coaches!

Seeing this group led by Zhao Heping and He Yishen, Qiu Wen couldn't help but wonder if he had done something wrong and they were here to reprimand him. He stared at Zhao Heping in a daze, and after a while, managed to blurt out a sentence.

"Coa-coach, I had the food from our cafeteria today!"

As soon as he said this, a burst of low laughter filled the surroundings.

Zhao Heping, feeling exasperated, covered his head with his hand and then glared at Qiu Wen fiercely. "Alright, I know you had cafeteria food!"

This way of opening the conversation, as if admitting guilt, seemed to be an instinct that Qiu Wen had developed after countless times of getting into trouble. The looks from the other coaches around Zhao Heping were filled with teasing.

Qiu Wen finally realized what was going on. After all, he hadn't done anything wrong recently!

With his conviction regained, Qiu Wen straightened his back and declared righteously, "Ever since we got Chef Su Bai as our head cook, I haven't had a single snack!"

After Leaving the Sports Circle, I Became a Cooking God (Completed BL)Where stories live. Discover now