♡ Part - 43 ♡

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The afternoon sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow in their home. Jimin sat on the couch, his laptop open on his lap, his brows furrowing as he read the notification that had just popped up on the screen – his final exams were scheduled to start in just one month. His heart raced, a mixture of excitement and anxiety welling up within him.

As he absorbed the information, footsteps approached, and he looked up to see Yoongi walking into the room, his expression curious. Jimin's gaze met Yoongi's, and he took a deep breath, realizing he needed to share the news.

"Hey Hyung," Jimin said, his voice tinged with a touch of nervousness.

"Hey, Baby. What's going on?" Yoongi smiled softly, setting down the files he carried.

"I just got a notification from college. My final exams are starting in a month." Jimin shifted on the couch, his fingers tapping on the laptop's keyboard.

"What, Are you ready for them?" Yoongi's eyebrows lifted in surprise, and he walked over, sitting down beside Jimin.

"That's the thing, Hyung. I haven't attended college in months because of everything that's happened." Jimin's shoulders tensed slightly, his expression revealing his internal struggle.

"Jimin, you've been through a lot. I'm sorry for the disruption." Yoongi's gaze softened, his hand finding Jimin's on the laptop.

Yoongi and Jimin sat together on the couch, the air heavy with unspoken words. Yoongi's fingers traced delicate patterns on the back of Jimin's hand, his gaze a mixture of regret and affection.

"Baby," Yoongi began, his voice soft.

"Yes," Jimin looked at Yoongi, his eyes filled with curiosity and a hint of apprehension.

"I need to apologize to you... for everything that happened before. For kidnapping you and everything that came after. Because of all this your study was disturbed, this all happened because of me". Yoongi took a deep breath, his fingers stilling on Jimin's hand.

"Oh My Darling Hubby, you've already apologized before. And I forgave you." Jimin's expression softened, his hand cupping Yoongi's cheek.

"I know you forgave me, Baby. But I want you to know that I truly regret my actions. I regret causing you pain and fear. I regret making you go through all of that." Yoongi's gaze held a mixture of gratitude and sadness.

"Hyung, you've changed. You've shown me a different side of you – a side filled with love, protection, and care." Jimin's thumb brushed Yoongi's cheek tenderly.

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