Chapter 3: Discovery of New Features

Start from the beginning

Host triggers target task.

Task objective: Obtain 20 junior associated users
Task duration: 3 days
Current progress: 2/20
Task reward: Host level upgrade, open level 2 observation permissions for associated users.
Failure penalty: None

Su Bai was puzzled for a moment. He temporarily disregarded the reward of the delicious nutritious meal recipe provided by the system. Instead, he carefully examined the task issued by the whimsical system and then looked at Qiu Wen and Sun Xiangdong in front of him. At least he now knew how to obtain this so-called junior associated user.

Within this short day, Su Bai finally formed a preliminary conjecture about the system he had acquired: this whimsical system that seemed to drop from the sky appeared to be a cooking system, but the abilities associated with it were related to athletes' training.

Without going into details, just looking at the basic status table of Qiu Wen that he could currently see, it was the real data that a coach would dream of having. If these data could be maintained as a set, recorded as a personal training manual for athletes, then understanding the athletes' physical conditions, the fluctuations in their performance, and observing their training statuses would all be of high value!

Not only that, the entry regarding athletes' project potential values, with direct scores attached, was an ability that every coach would desire.

Moreover, among the locked features, Su Bai also saw options related to managing user potential queries. According to the straightforward literal meaning, Su Bai had no doubt that as long as he could activate the corresponding permissions, he might even be able to directly observe the individual potentials of all associated users in various sports projects!This discovery left Su Bai momentarily speechless.

He had a rough understanding now. This whimsical system might actually be a coach development system, except that the name of this system was somewhat inexplicable. Why didn't they just call it the Super Coach System? Why did it have to be named something like the Super Idol System?

Although Su Bai didn't have the same straightforward mindset as Qiu Wen, he still couldn't understand the naming logic behind this system.

While Su Bai was lost in his thoughts about various random questions, on the other side, Qiu Wen had already slurped up a whole bowl of bone broth noodles with a contented sound.

Not just the noodles, even the soup in the bowl was so clean that not a trace of green onion could be seen.

Qiu Wen held the empty bowl in his hands, his face wearing a look of disappointment. Then, with a sudden exclamation, he put down the bowl and grabbed Su Bai's shoulder.

"Ah, Xiaobai, could you get me another bowl of bone broth noodles?"

A towering figure of 1.86 meters, now clinging to Su Bai and pleading, looked quite pitiful. Those who knew that he just hadn't had enough noodles might understand, but those who didn't might think he had been starving for days.

Before Su Bai could say anything, Sun Xiangdong beside them also put down his shiny bowl and chopsticks, patting Qiu Wen's shoulder. "Alright, enough already. Your training load hasn't been that heavy lately. Having an extra snack in the evening is sufficient for now. Your calorie intake has been more than enough."

The sports team in S Province, due to its good performance and the relatively developed economy of the province, received a reasonable amount of subsidies from both the national and provincial levels.

Most of this funding naturally went towards the athletes. Take the athletes' meal standards, for instance. Although they couldn't compare to the nutrition standards of national teams, athletes who reached the national level in the team had a daily meal allowance of 120 yuan. For higher levels like national champions and international champions, there were additional standards.

After Leaving the Sports Circle, I Became a Cooking God (Completed BL)Where stories live. Discover now