It has been some time since I finished the provided curriculum. I am now 16 years of age, and I have been living in one of our mansions for the past months

Today is March 1. In a month, I will start going to Advanced Nurturing High School or ANHS in Tokyo.

Prior to the time that I had spent outside the white room, I was given no orders to do any specific task. I was simply told to attend this school and come back after three years.

No requirements were told, nothing holding me back from doing as I wish.

It felt weird. Despite the fact of my return to that place once the three years are over, I can't help but feel a little bit of excitement for what's to come.

Everything, or mostly what I have wanted to experience, that I have never been able to was inching closer and closer.

I wish to know more about the things that I have deemed unnecessary during the years in that place.

And it seems that I won't have to worry too much about what I'll decide on doing.

I also wish to see how far the gap is between me and the students who were not given the same background that I have.

But that is the least of my priorities.

After all, I have yet to experience eating ice cream. I was told to continue my routine and my diet during my stay in this mansion.

I would be given the freedom to choose what I wish to indulge in once I enter the school.

No one told me that, though, I have come to terms with myself that I will try out delicacies I have read about and seen that have piqued my interest.

So yes, ice cream is definitely a priority.

April 1st

I am finally on the bus. I must say, the comfort that the limousine provided made me sigh as I unconsciously compared the quality of the seats between it and the bus.

Matsuo must have influenced me a sliver of his... preferences.... especially in class.

Anyways. I tried out these earbuds Matsuo gave me a while back.

I listened to White Noise by Official HIGE Dandism and closed my eyes as I leaned on the window.

I should thank Matsuo for recommending me these songs. I must say I enjoy them a lot.

I continued listening some more until the bus seemingly stopped, which prompted me to glance at the window, and here we are. Advanced Nurturing High School.

I made my way out the bus and got to the entrance. I stood there for a bit before taking a deep breath and stepped forward


A voice called out to me as I glanced back to see a purple haired girl with bluish strands underneath her purple hair. She looked at me with an apathetic expression as she held out her hand with one of my earbuds on it.

"Oh, thanks. I didn't notice uhh." I replied as she nodded in acknowledgement.

"Hm? Oh, Himeno Yuki."

"Thank you, Himeno. I'm Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. Nice to meet you." She nodded her head in acknowledgement and proceeded to walk past me.

I decided to place my earbuds inside my bag, so I stood there for a bit

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