Chapter 22 Getting used to different

Start from the beginning

I went to my favorite shopping app as Carlisle knocks on the door.

"Sorry I am later than planned; Alice called and insisted on coming with me, she said I will need the ultra sound." Carlisle said.

Alice was there holding the portable ultra sound machine, I looked at her, "Seriously?"

She repelled back in her head, "You can't plan a party without me." I moved aside and lead them to the living room, Rachel was waiting. She was nervous.

"Rachel this is Carlisle and Alice Cullen." She shook their hands without flinching; she had no reaction to their smell. Her thoughts were confused on why the boys hated them so much.

"Where do you want me to be?"

"If you are comfortable we can do it here or we can move to a room." I looked at my watch as Paul walked in.

"I think the room by the library will be best. The others will be here soon. Carlisle nodded and they all followed me to the bed room. Rachel sat on the bed.

"Paul is it ok if Alya stays?"

"Ya, she is the alpha right now." He said with a smirk.

I turned to Carlisle. "About 6 and half days ago, they had intercourse, human, but phased right after to run patrols, about 8hrs into the run she felt sick; by 10hrs she gave up and decided to go home. Before she got back to the rez she had to change back and walk home."

"You never told me that." Paul said.

"I didn't want to worry you, I thought it was nothing." I looked back at Carlisle

"She tried to phase again that evening and could not. So in about 14hrs she had intercourse, had morning sickness, conceived and could no longer phase."

Carlisle nodded, "That is a short amount of time." He turned to Rachel, "Pleas lay down for me."

She laid down on the bed; he felt her stomach, measured her uterus and took her blood. I could hear all of his thoughts; she was pregnant with twins. She was not having a wolf pregnancy but it's not as slow as he would like. Her pregnancy was moving as fast as Bella's.

"Rachel, you are pregnant with twins, your pregnancy is not as fast as Emily's but faster then a humans. It seems to be just as fast as Bella's. I am not sure what is setting the pregnancy time rate, but I will continue to look. This may be more with the moms being wolfs then the shot. It may have a little to do with the vamp RNA in the shot. Malinda used this to act like a catalyst to help the wolf DNA became part of her DNA, since you had the wolf genes all ready; it was used to activate yours." Paul looked worried

"Will the baby's be ok?"

"Yes I am sure they will." Carlisle tuned on the ultra sound machine.

"Rachel can you pull up you shirt a little bit and unbutton you pants." she did and you could see a visible change in her body. Alice tucked in a hand towel so her clothes' wouldn't get jelly on them.

"I hope the jelly isn't too cold." She smiled as he put it on her skin and started moving the wand around; the babies were on the screen. He took measurements and a couple of screen shots.

"Well baby A is a boy and baby B is a boy, they are sharing a placenta and sack. It's safe to say they are identical twins." Rachel and Paul smiled. Carlisle continued

"They are health and due in about 2.5 weeks, could be less."

"How far along does that make me?"

"You are around 25 weeks but in 2.5 weeks you will be 38 weeks. For your community it will be better if you tell them you are 34 weeks. I have told Emily to let people know she is also 34 weeks."

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