Chapter 2 Drowning

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"Miss, miss can I help you?" I look around coming out of my daze.

"I'm sorry I was looking for my sister's room I think she is in 742, Melinda Luv?"

"Follow me, I will find her for you." We headed to the front deck. She checked in the computer,

"You are right she is in room 742."

" Okay, thank you."

I walked down the hall to the elevator and pushed the button.

"Miss are you going up?" said an older man as he was holding the door for me.

"Yes I am sorry," I mumbled as I got in. I realized I must look pathetic from all of the crying and tried to hide behind my hair. He smiled and politely asked,

"Rough day?"

I just nodded and looked away. I wasn't really in the mood for conversation. He got off on the fourth floor and said,

"I hope it gets better," as the doors closed.

The doors opened to a family in tears, holding each other. I stepped out and let them in, I watched their sadness consume them as the doors closed again. I wondered if that was going to be my future as well. I made my way down the hallway to locked doors and a phone on the wall. I picked it up and it auto dialed the nurses' station on the other side. Someone picked up on the 3rd ring.

"Pediatric ICU."

"Hi I am here to see my sister Melinda Luv in room 742."

"Okay, I will buzz you in."

I hung up as the doors clicked and opened. There were several nurses and doctors walking around, I felt overwhelmed and lost. A nurse walked up to me,

"You must wash up before you can enter her room."

She took me to a sink and showed me how to scrub my hands properly. When I was done she lead me down the hall to my sister's room.

"Your sister is stable but critical; she has a head injury that we are watching closely. To make sure there is no brain swelling. I am sorry to say but She is in a coma. The doctor will be in later." She said as she left me alone in the room.

I looked at my sister; she had a cast on her left arm and right leg, and a tube down her throat breathing for her. I sat down waiting for the doctor. I don't know how long I sat there holding her hand, but the next knock on the door startled me. I sat up as he came in.

"You must be Miss Luv, I am Doctor Levit, I am one of the doctors treating your sister."

He stuck his hand out it took me a second to reach for it to shake it.

"Yes, that's me."

"The nurse says she has a head injury and you are watching for brain swelling, is she going to be ok?"

"We are watching her closely, the tests we have done so far has given us hope. You aren't 18 yet are you?"

"I will be in 10 days."

"Unfortunately that doesn't help now. We have called Child protective services they will be here shortly. Is there family you can call?"

"Yes, there is my Aunt Nanette."

"Okay, you might want to call her before the state gets here. If you have any questions just ask the nurses."

He walked out and I sat back down. I was more sacred now then I was before. I reached for my cell, and called my aunt, not sure what I was going to tell her. She answered on the seconded ring. She was shocked and cried; she had just lost her only brother. I told her what was going on with Melinda and she said she would be on the next flight.

There was another knock on the door. A lady came in

"I'm Sara, I'm with the state. I'm here to talk to you about what will be happening with you and your sister."

"I just called my Aunt and she is on her way from Florida. Did you need to talk to her?"

"Yes, that makes things easier, could you give me her number."

I gave her the number and she left the room.

In the early morning hours there was another knock on the door, Nanette came in. I look at her got up and she hugged me.

"I am so sorry sweetheart."

We sat down and she pulled papers from her bag.

"Your parents gave me their wills and all the important papers that would be needed if something like this ever happened. I know that you and your mom are witches even though my brother did not. I have Harry's number when you are ready to call. After I talk to the doctor we will get you home and feed. You look like you could use some sleep. I will take care of everything else."

So we headed home at 9 am after the doctor left. I make myself some tea and run a bath with essential oils, bath salt, and 1 cup of vinegar to help me relax. Then I head down stairs and eat lunch. I Knew I couldn't sleep yet so I started going through the books on the self sorting them into piles of "keep and donate." Aunt Nanette checked on me several times and brought me dinner.

"You know you don't have to do this now, we have some time."

"I know I just need something to do, you know to keep busy." She hugged me and left the room. I headed to bed around 10:00.

We went back to the hospital by 7 am; I was exhausted from lack of sleep. This was going to be a long few weeks.                                                        

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