Chapter 6 Awake

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I stormed out of the house and slammed the front door as I got into my car. I didn't know where I was going, I just drove around for a few hours trying to stay calm as the things I was told played over in my head, like a bad move. I was a freak there was no other word for me. I tried to focus on my surroundings, I stopped and got out. I was at the camp ground where it all started. I was shaking and now that I was out of my car I did not try to pull it back; I let the fire consume me, literally. As the fire came out of my body, consuming it; I stepped forward and stared to run, I got 6 steps and I was on all fours, taller then I had ever been and the fire was gone. I was huge and I was full of anger for what I was and the rules that came with it. I ran into the forest faster than I had ever run before. I was frustrated that I was just as angry and emotional in this form as I was in my human form. Human form, freak, witch, immortal, vampire hunter, protector, imprinting, obeying...

I couldn't run fast enough to get away from any of it; the movie began to play again, I hate reruns.

I walked into the kitchen Jasper stood as I entered, he nodded with a smile, and Alice smiled from her seat on the counter. I smirked It was the only place she could sit to be tall enough. As I sat down another vampire poured me tea. This must be Esme'. "Thanks." She smiled at me, she was worried about me, I could feel it. A motherly vampire...Interesting

" I heard what you all were talking about while I was upstairs. Harry, has any other female ever changed before?" I made him uncomfortable with my question.

"I would rather keep tribal and family questions private." He looked at Carlisle and the others.

I looked down at my tea and then up at him and then Carlisle, " I do not care about your hate for vampires and either of your needs for secrets, I have a right to know what I am and how this all came to be." Harry looked at Sue, he was mad and wanted this conversation to take place in secret without my aunt or the vampires." I will just tell them all anyway."

Sue spoke up" Last month Harry had a heart attack while he was in the hospital both Leah and Seth changed It was right after the Cullen's return."

"So Leah and I are the only females to have turned?"

Sue nodded and looked down. I could tell she was worried about what this ment for her daughter. I could feel how sad it made her and my anger grew; I was a freak. I drank my tea to help me stay calm. I knew my mom put wolfs-bane in my tonic water and now I knew why. I spoke to the room next any one could answer.

"So how does this wolf thing work? why do we exist? Can I make it go away,? Will I ever be normal?"

Harry sat up straighter, he looked different, proud. " In the beginning it happened to our chief a spirit worrier so he could protect our tribe from danger. We exist to kill the cold ones, when they are around; members of our tribe change into wolves to protect us from them, they are our enemies. You can learn to not change and live a normal life. As long as you keep changing you will not age, our ancestors lived for hundreds of years. Some have imprinted and that is how their true love is found it can take more than one life time for this to happen. You will learn all our legends. There are rules, there is an alpha, Sam, and all the others listen to him and do as they are told."

I had been behaving myself up until this point,

"I have to bow down to a guy?"

I gripped my cup just a little too hard and it shattered. Nanette Jumped when by cup broke. Alice was right there next to me before it happened and I could taste mint in my mouth again.

" I am a witch, part of a large, strong coven and I bow to no one."

I needed more of a distraction so I went to another subject.

"Carlisle, is it possible that the vampires and humans who can do special things are all descendants from witches?" He smiled, and raised his eye brow and tipped his head just slightly. He had this human thing down; I wondered how old he was.

"That is the best explanation I have ever heard for what some vampires and humans can do; something I could look into with your help of course."

This made me feel more of a freak; I know that was not his intention.

I looked at Nanette's face; I know she was overwhelmed more then I was.

" Why do I have to be part of a pack and be ruled over by men?" Sue reached out and took my hand.

" It has been this way since the beginning so there was order. You and your older sister are the first to change and we do not understand why." I could feel her fear about babies and family.

I was a freak and I may either be immortal with a mate I didn't chose, ruled over by a man and killing people I didn't feel were my enemy. I looked around me I was standing at the same river I had run to all those years ago. I looked down at the giant white wolf staring back at me. My ice blue eyes looked scary in this form. I looked up at the sun and panicked. I was supposed to be with my sister and all of a sudden that was all I wanted. My phone was back with my car I wasn't sure if I left it in the car or if it burned up with me. I ran back, I ran with propose and not anger. I stretched my legs as far as I could. I could feel all my muscles move and my joints extend. Even though I was on all fours, I still felt very human and very connected to the earth and everything around me. I could feel all the animals and their fear and anxiety as a giant wolf passes them. I whispered "I won't hurt you" as I ran and I could feel their anxiety easy. I made it back to the car in half the time.

As I approached my car I stood up on my hind legs and walked forward into my human form; this was easier than I thought. If I had been paying closer attention I would have seen the little figure sitting on the hood of my car. She jumped down as I found my phone on the ground intact.

"Took you long enough to work through that." She said as she walked over to me and handed me clothes. "I thought you would need these." she smiled almost sassy.

"You mean you 'saw' that I would need them." I said as I took the clothes

"Potato patoto, Get yourself dressed and don't for get to call your aunt."

I was dressed and on the road in less than 10 min, I left Alice behind. All I wanted was my sister. I needed to talk to her, I needed her awake. I called Nanette to let her know I had arrived at the hospital and not to stay up for me. I walked into my sister's room and sat down next to her bed. I held her hand and started talking to her about our choice of moving to Florida or to Washington, I grip her hand tightly.

"Why can't you just freaking wake up, I am a freak and I need you. You are the only one who will understand!"

I tasted cinnamon on my tongue and could feel pain and sadness that was not mine. I looked down at my sister and she was staring at me.

"Arya, you look as terrible as I feel what have I missed?" Alya asked in a dry gravel voice.

I hugged her and helped her sit up. I knew we would only have a short moment of privacy before they figured out she was awake, so I jump into it and told her everything.

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