Chapter 14 Full Moon Ritual

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I woke up at noon on the 9th, I had a dream that Alice was yelling at me. I opened my laptop to find an email from her.

What is the use of having a cell phone if you do not answer it? I am disappointed, I said a red and black one but the blue will due. I saw you change in front of everyone because you didn't have your ritual finished, so I finished it for you so quit stressing.

I love you Alice.

I read the part she sent me and added it to what I had. It was perfect and I felt relief flood trough my body. I was fasting today and meditating so I would be ready for tonight.

I grabbed my bag and headed out to the barn. I had made the back room my own little space. I set up my candles and crystals. Melinda met me out there and we spent the next three hours cleansing and meditating. Then we went for a ride on the beach. We got back later then we had planned and I had to hurry and shower. When I came down stairs there were three people in the living room.

Jade stood up, I am going to represent air, "This is Sarha, and she will be earth."

She shook my hand, "I am so excited to have been chosen for this, it is an honor. I can make anything grow."

I glanced at Melinda who was stifling a giggle next to me. Jade moved on to the next girl,

"This is Morgan, she will be representing fire. This is a fitting chose considering she can control fire."

"I still have loads to learn and sometimes I start things on fire by accident. I hope I don't do that tonight." She was a small black girl with braids in her hair.

"How old are you Morgan?"

She looked at Jade nervously, "I am 12, I just officially joined my mom's coven. Is that too young?"

I could feel heat coming off her with her anxiety, "No sweetheart, your age is not going to be a problem. I would like to help you with your fire though. I could show you some things to help you control it."

"You can manipulate fire?"

I smiled at her, "Actually, I copy others peoples powers so I can manipulate fire but mine is different; I have had to learn how to use many different gifts. I also have a tonic water recipe my mom used to help me."

"You want to help me?" She had tears in her eyes.

"Melinda, please go make our friend here some tonic water as I take her outside."

I spent an hour with Morgan outside helping her learn the deference between hot fire and cold fire. How to tell when it was building and how to put it out without setting anything on fire. By the time we were done her flame color was purple.

We left at 930 to the beach house with a privet beach that was owned by one of the coven members. This way it would make sure we were not disturbed. We set up our circle and waited. As midnight grew closer, more and more people showed up; there had to be over 100 people here. At 11:55 pm the others took their positions, holding their candles and offerings. I walked through the crowd and took my place in the center of the circle going over everything in my head. My watch beeped once at midnight.

I face north and walk up to Sarha, "Mighty earth who feeds us, our home and mother, welcome to the circle"

I lit the brown and green candle; I took the bag of sand and walk to the altar.

"We offer this sand in honor of Mother Earth" and set the bag down on the altar.

I walked east over to Jade, he was all smile.

"Blessed air who cools us; the breath of life in all, welcome to the circle".

I light the purple candle; I took the incense and walk back to the altar.

"We offer this lavender incense to honor you air for our cleansing breath." I set the incense down and lit it. I turn to the south and walk towards Morgan.

"Fire, sacred flame that sparks life in all, that warms us, welcome to the circle. I light the red candle; the flame was purple; as there were gasps from our audience. I winked at Morgan as I took the bowl of wood chips and walk back to the altar

"We offer this wood to honor fire for the spark of life and warmth" I set the bowl on the altar and light wood chips; this time the flame was ice blue.

I turn west and walk to Melinda.

"Waters of life, where all are cleansed and reborn and grow anew, welcome to the circle. I lit the blue candle and I took the shell of sea water and walk back to the altar.

"We honor you water for sustaining our lives and cleansing us." I set the shell on altar.

"Oh great Devine we ask you to be here with us, for you are always welcome. We honor you for giving us this life. I light the white candle

I walk around the circle meeting the eyes of the audience.

"Hearken to this witches word calls to all to forge a bridge that vast realities. Elements protect and guard us from wandering eyes and prying looks, fill us with thine ancient power in this right and ready hour".

I walk to Sarha

"Powers of the north and earth below help us to learn, to live and grow. Lend us your strength and stability, to live our lives, love and be free". I walked to the east,

"Powers of the east, the air and sky watch over these witches with thine eye, your wisdom and knowledge and life giving breath, is what we need as we go through this test. We strive to be worthy of the craft and our tasks".

I walk to the south and get a smile from Morgan.

"Powers of the south fire and hearth, help these witches to prove their worth; infuse them all with your healing passion so only good comes from the work that we fashion".

I continue around the circle and face west. Melinda is smiling.

"Powers of the west, of water and sea, cleansing, change and growth are granted by thee, bless these witches with all that you know, that they may be cleansed, learn and grow. I stop walking in the middle of the circle.

As I say "so mote it be."

The audience replies "So mote it be

I look up and say.

"I thank the great Devine for being here we thank you for life," I blow out the white candle.

I pick up the shell of water and walk over to Melinda

"Water, thank you for attending this circle; thank you for cleansing us and keeping us healthy."

I dump out the water and hand back shell and say.

"Go in peace and know you are always welcome here. I blow out candle.

I walk to Morgan.

"Fire thank you for attending this circle thank you for the warmth you provide.

I put out fire and hand back bowl and say

"Go in peace and know you are always welcome here. I blow out the purple flame on the candle.

I walk up to Jade

"Air thank you for attending this circle and filling our lungs with life. I put out incense and hand it back and say.

"Go in peace and know you are always welcome here. I blow out the candle.

I walk up to Sarha;

"Oh great mother Earth; thank you for attending this circle, thank you for feeding us. I dump out the sand and hand the bag back and say;

"Go in peace and know you are always welcome here. I blow out the candle and go back to the center of the circle

"This circle was open and never broken, merry meet merry part merry meet again!!

The large crowd cheered and repeats "Merry meet merry part merry meet again!"

We headed home around 6 am. I was so tiered, I could barley drive. I crawled into bed and was out like a light.

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