Chapter 5 Pieces

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Nanette Was still sitting next to me on my bed. She looked between Harry and I, she touched my face to get my attention. "Maybe you should go get in your parents tub, turn on the jets to help you relax. I will put on some tea."

She helped me up and lead me down the hall to my mom's room. I was still shaking and it was hard for me to walk straight. She set down my tonic water, turned on the water in the tub making it hot and handed me clean towels.

"Stay in here as long as you need."

I went to protest but she just shook her head, "You will have answers soon enough."

She kissed my forehead and left the room. I decided not to use the jets and added my moms homemade bubble bath and a lavender bath bomb. I undressed and climbed into the tub, I closed my eyes and concentrated on my hands and they stopped shaking. As I regained control over my body I noticed my ears were no longer buzzing and oddly enough I could hear everything being said down stairs. There were other voices that had joined the group. I could hear them drinking tea and Nanette and Sue talking about what was in my tonic water. I focused on Harry, his voice was deep and had a irritated tone to it; he was talking to Carlisle.

"I don't see why you felt the need to come here. We could handle this alone." Harry was upset and I could tell he was standing and pacing.

"I was invited by Nanette, I, we are family friends." Carlisle replied

"I did invite him Harry, I do not care who or what you all are, it is obvious you are not all human I just want answers to what is going on with Arya. She is more than a witch and my sister in law told me about your heritage, Harry, so stop stalling and start explaining everything you know."

Carlisle Started, "As you stated not everyone in this world is human and not every human in the world could be classified as normal. Saundra had the ability to levitate things with her mind. She thought that is what Arya could do as well until the fire few years ago. She may have been the one to set it, accidently of course, (like he knew I could hear him). She may be able to mimic others abilities, the rest of this is pure speculation because we have not spoken to Arya yet. I believe out of fear she turned into a wolf at 12 years old."

Harry cut him off, "That is not how it works, we have only ever changed because of the presents of vampires, never out of fear!" he spit the words like it was an personal insult.

"Like I said it is speculation, but up until now only males have transformed, maybe it is different with females." Carlisle was making peace, he didn't want to argue.

"Besides we were too far away for it to have been us and we smelt no others as we brought her back to her mom." This was a males voice I recognized from my child hood

I could hear Harry's breathing and agitation, Then His breathing changed and I started feeling less tense, almost sleepy and I could taste something.

Nanette was the next to speak. "So you are telling me men from the tribe for years have been changing into wolves when there are vampires around. But you think Arya is different and would have changed no matter what. That her magic is some form of 'mimic' and she will be able to copy any magic around her?"

There was a female voice that I recognized from my dream. "Yes, she may be able to copy any power she has been exposed to. Now we don't know if she retains them all or just the one. That is what we want to help her with while the tribe helps her with the wolf part. She is very special and even Harry and Sue can agree our worlds, as we know them are changing."

The conversation continued but I could hear someone coming up the stairs, whomever it was they were not human, to light of steps but made heavy on purpose. It had to be one of the vampires.

There was a light knock on the door and a tinny young girl walked into the room. She didn't look older than 14 but at the same time she looked like an adult, just really short.

she made herself fit into the tiny area on the end of the garden tub by the wall. The spot was maybe a foot wide. She was chipper and I could feel her curiosity as she looked at me.

"I am Alice." she smiled I could not help but smile back. "Arya." I said

Alice didn't waste a beat. "Have you decided what school you are going to, the reservation or Forks high?"

"I haven't decided to move to Washington, Florida is nicer, maybe I want to go there."

"Don't be silly, you know you are moving to Washington, hold on." she said and held up her finger she gazed off into nothingness, then wrinkled her nose and looked at me. "Forks high school." she smiled very proud of herself

"I take it you can see the future?" I asked

"Feel like less of a freak now she said, almost toying with me.
I raised my eyebrow but otherwise ignored her comment and she continued.

"You can't have that nickname anyway; my brother Edward calls me that all the time.

I pretend it bothers me." She was smiling now. I could see all her teeth; to a normal person this may have been scary but she didn't bother me.

"How did you end up being able to see the future, could you when you were human?"

she wrinkled her nose like she smelled something awful and then gave me a deep thinking face,

"Apparently I could, and my parents put me in an asylum, but I don't remember any of it so don't feel sorry for me?" She tipped her head picked up one bubble from my bath and played with it.

"You seem to know a lot about what I am and what I am not. I know someone else who saw through our act, you two would get along great."

I watched her play with the bubble, she seamed distracted but I know she really wasn't; still trying to act human I suppose.

"Are you part witch then like me?"

Alice looked at me like I had said something in a different language.

"I never thought of it, maybe. There are others like me who can do special things, Edward can hear your thoughts, Jasper, my mate can mess with feelings, so maybe we are descendents from witches. Carlisle will be interested in that theory."

She shifted her legs and I knew she was going to leave.

"Does it change when you change?"

She stood up, "Yes it gets more intense when we become a vampire. I see where you are going with this and I do not know if it will be the same for you when you are a wolf. Now you have been in here more than an hour, the answers you seek are downstairs not in those bubbles."

She walked to the door, "I can tell you, you are not like the other wolves; you do not smell bad to me and I obviously don't burn your nose and I can see you. I am unsure what this means."

Before I could ask anything more, like what did she mean she could see me, she was gone. The door barely made a clicking sound. No footsteps on the stairs, nothing.

I took a deep breath and got out, I had to take another one to leave the bathroom, then I tasted something, it like mint in my mouth and I was at ease. Jasper, I smiled and whispered, "Thanks." Somehow I knew he could hear me. I went into my room and on my bed was an outfit I would never wear; I knew it had to be Alice because Nanette would never be so bold. I looked it over and spoke like she was in the room with me, "I will wear the shirt with jeans." I heard a chuckle from downstairs that had to be Jasper.

I tossed my waist length white blond hair up into a braid. I stood there and looked at myself in the mirror. It was hard to believe I was part Native American. I was pail and have Ice blue eyes like my dad, the dad that raised me. I touched my face, I could see my mom in my face and I had a pain hit my chest and I couldn't breathe. I could taste the mint again and I took a breath and regained control; I felt I owed Jasper a lot today.

I grabbed keys, phone and moms journal and shoved them all in my bag. No matter what happened downstairs in the next hour I was going to see my sister, she was all I had left.

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