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(Kellins POV)

I sighed and and sat down on the sofa in the living room. My life was supposed to get better after I left the business. But no I can't ever be happy can I?

Ugh, I need to tell someone about this maybe Vic? No, not Vic he won't be ok with this maybe Audric? Yes, Audric is perfect.

I'll tell him when he gets home.

~ a few hours later ~

Audric came home with some Chinese food.

We were eating dinner when I decided to tell him.

"Hey Audric, I have to tell you something," I said.

"What is it buddy, don't tell me your a fan of the Kardashians" he said

"Please, the Kardashians should be fans of Kellin Quinn," I said all sassy.

"So, what do you have to tell me?" He asked.

"It's a long story," I said

I then told Audric everything that night.

"Kellin, your past doesn't define you," he said.

"I'm so happy you understand Audric," I said to him.

"Of course buddy, I'll always be here for you, but does Vic know?" He asked

"No, he doesn't know at all" I said.

"What about Austin? Did Vic give you the money to pay him?' He asked me.

"Yes, he did but he thinks it's for a family member," I said.

"I think you should tell him Kellin," Audric said.

"I will don't worry I'll tell him!" I said to him.

"Good, now let's get to bed I have a big test tomorrow," he said.


So, Audric found out Kellin's secret and he didn't judge...honestly the world needs people like Audric. Any ways, teenwolfrl4-6-9-5-0 out, peace!

Credit to my co-write: Teenwolfrl4-6-5-9-0

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