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"Hello?" I questioned who would be calling at 9 in the morning, on a fucking Saturday!
"Yes, I was calling for the job of the nanny," the person said sweetly. It sounded like a kind young lady. I immediately jumped off of the couch at the sudden reminder that there was a baby in the household. I ran to my bedroom where I had left Sugar. She was sleeping, surrounded by pillows so she wouldn't fall of the bed. There she lay, peacefully sleeping on her back.
“Hellooo,” the person questioned if I was still on the line.
“Yes, yes… So you would like the job,” obviously that’s why the person called. You can be such a dumbass when you’re half-asleep Vic!
“Um yah, I have a resume and recommendations like asked for. I also, we can say, qualify for the job with my ‘skills’. I would like to know if I could interest you in my services,” this lady sounded so smart. I wonder if it was apart of her experience.
“Sure, I’m not sure what to do… Should we meet up so I could pick up your resume and check your recommendations?” I asked this, and even I wasn’t sure about a hiring process.
“That would be great. How about your nearest café or coffee shop?” she asked.
“Um…the Starbucks by-” I was cutoff suddenly.
“The one by the mall on Seventh Street?” Wow this person was fast. So fast, I just put the ad yesterday and already today she was calling.
“Yah, that one. What time should we meet?” I asked.
“How about in two hours?” she asked. I looked at the clock once more. It was nine; by eleven I would be there all ready.
“Sure that sounds fine. I’ll see you then miss,” I hung up, though I should have let the person talk, maybe she had another question.

Now to get ready to interview the person, that would become the nanny of my baby Sugar. I wonder if the lady was pretty, or if she was old and sounded young. I’ll take any lady, as long as she isn’t a kidnapper.

I got off the bed and picked out clothes for Sugar and me. I would dress her after I feed and bathe her. I showered quickly and put on a black shirt with white skinny jeans. Something simple in case Sugar spilled anything on me. Yesterday night, Sugar woke up crying. She was hungry at such a late hour, and after I fed her. I patted her back, like my mom urged me to do after feeding a baby. And she threw up on me, so much for feeding if she was going to throw it all back out.

I took my phone off the charger and put it in my pocket. Soon I was running to Sugar, who was whining. I ran quickly, because in these few days, I learned that when Sugar whines like that she’s on the verge of crying. You would think babies are clueless, but sometimes they have a surprising mentality for asking for things. They usually give signs when they’re hungry, sleepy, or… if they need to use the bathroom. That’s something I still haven’t learned to time or notice.

As I came close to the bed, I noticed Sugar was trying to sit up. I had to stop and see what she was up to. I chuckled at the sight of her chubby legs and tiny feet. I then came and sat her up in my lap. She then started smiling.

“Hey little Sugar, have a good sleep?” I asked. She looked at me curelessly, but soon started fumbling with my shirt. I took her with me to the kitchen. I opened the fridge but cautiously brought her closer to my chest, so I wouldn’t drop her. I pulled out some applesauce that Mike brought a couple days ago. Sometimes he comes here with canned food that he gets with Tay at community centers. I’m not sure what’s up with those two, but Tay sure does have Mike tied up. He would never have gone to community centers or be kind enough to bring me anything.

“I’m grateful Tay has Mike like this, because if she didn’t I would have applesauce.” I said this looking at Sugar. I’m not sure if she understands, but when she smiles at me I question her understandings. Does she know I’m her dad, or does she miss her mom? I wonder this and much more.

While still carrying Sugar, I opened the container of applesauce, and placed some in a bowl. I placed Sugar on the table and with one arm I kept her in a sitting position and fed her the applesauce. I’m still not sure if she’s allergic to anything. Her medical records don’t say anything about her. She’s a healthy child. It was hard feeding a baby, most of the time I would miss her mouth and the sauce would land of her cheek, soon she would rub her face and spread it all over. When I finished feeding her, I placed the bowl in the sink. I then took her with me to the room and started searching for clothes. I placed her on the bed and undressed her from the small boy’s clothes my mom gave me. I took out a pair of onesies, which once belonged to me. I pulled out a diaper from the box my mom gave me. I took her to the bathroom, with the bottle of baby shampoo and a towel.

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