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(Kellin's POV)

"So, you're ready to go?" I asked sitting next to Vic in the cab. We had just dropped off Sugar with her grandma...from what I saw and heard from the car, Miss Vivian was really glad to see her granddaughter. I'm not gonna lie, Sugar gave a cute reaction to!

"Totally, I love Sugar and all, but this whole time I haven't had one day off. This...this is fucking necessary!" He said, letting out a long sigh and laying back in his seat. He told the taxi-driver to go. He had already given instructions and according to Vic, it wasn't some crap hole...this was going to be fancy.

"Well, I guess to much salt can ruin the food," I joked. Condiments, get it?

"What do you mean?" he asked. No one ever gets my jokes!
"Sugar is sweet, but I call her all sorts of condiments. So, Sugar is like the extra salt in your food. Your life must've been, what can I say? Sweet! And suddenly Sugar came and it was, dun dun dun! Too much salt!" I explained. He chuckled and looked up.

"We're here," He said. Already?
"Cool," I answered. We got out of the cab and he quickly paid and the taxi zoomed off.

"Shall we enter?" He asked courteously.
"Yah dude," I mocked him. He was kind and flirtatious, like me the only difference was that I still had that playful childish side. I could also be very mean and wild. I'm not sure about him, but I'm sure that when the time comes, he can be rough and dominant. If you know what I mean?

"I have a question," I said as we walked into the well-lit room.
"What's that?" he asked. Before I could answer, I let him speak to the receptionist who guided us to our table.

"Well," I started as I sat down. "You could've come to this dinner by yourself...or even eaten at home. Why did you decided to come here and with me?" I finished asked.

He smiled and kind of looked away, searching for an answer.
"I...I kind of-" he took a deep breath.
"We have something going on. I'm comfortable with you and fucking hell you're beautiful." I blushed when I heard that.

"You're good looking to," I restored my confidence and answered to his compliment.
"But, I have a question to?" Vic said.
"What's that?" I also answered with a similar answer to his previous one.

"Is there any chance of you and me...like, being together?" he asked. I took a deep breath. I stopped to think...there was Audric. And fucking Adela! Plus, he has a daughter...I don't know if Sugar's mom might show up ever again. I'm not clear on the topic. Plus, what if my old boss reclaims me...I don't have the best past life and anything can fuck up!

"Vic, there could be a chance for us, but remember that there can be chances for other things as well. So, I'll ask you this? If anything fucks up, would you still be with me?" I answered.

"I'm sure that every couple or any type of relationship in general goes through a lot of shit. So anything that goes into your path, shouldn't really bother, right?" He answered. He was so clueless to the controversy that was in my mind...he was human like me, but in the moment. I seemed like the predator and his life was my prey.

"Vic...I'm a- what can I say? I'm fucking complicated, so if you want to deal with me, go right a head. I promise that I'm not trying to be 'hard to get'. Plus, I'm a person who likes to have...fun," I said with a smirk.

He smiled and I knew immediately that he understood the definition of fun.

"I'm sure we can adjust to your fun. But I can't believe you're that type, and that you tried getting a job as a nanny," he said. I then sighed.

"What you just said now, is the reason why being with me is complicated. Think about it, what kind of guy gets a job as a nanny?" I asked.
"Not many," He answered.
"So it doesn't bring up any concern in you?" I asked.
"Well, I'm sure you're not a kidnapper or any criminal of the sort, so I guess I would question why you would want a job like this," he answered. I nodded.

"So, if you want to be in a relationship. There are certain limits...and any time a question rises in you. I just might not be able to answer." I said.
"I think I'm starting to understand you," he answered. I'm sure you understand my concept, but you could never guess that I was a prostitute.

He smiled and took my hand.
"I'm sure that anything you have to hide...won't hurt us. Actually, those were the wrong words...Let's hope that your past or whatever, doesn't fuck anything up. So for now, just smile and help me with my daughter. As a friend," he paused to chuckle. "And...let's give a relationship a try. You cool with that?" He asked.

"I'm totally cool with that. But I'm also picky...so I like to be courted, without the marriage part," I said.
"Marriage...hmm, we'll let time decide that part, but for now. I'm asking for us to date, then probably a stable relationship...then marriage," he joked about the last part, I think. Well, in the end I answered with an awkward chuckle. But I agreed.

"So, when are we going to get attended? Fuck, I'm hungry!" He yelled. Getting the attention of several people in the dining area. I just laughed and watched as a waitress walked up to our table and took our orders.


We had gone to his apartment, he had decided to leave Sugar with his parents.

"What are you trying to get at with leaving Sugar with her grandparents? Do you have any late plans?" I asked. He looked at me, as he closed the door behind him and turned on the lights.

"Well," he then walked up to me. "You did say you liked to have fun," he answered. I smiled, and gasped as he griped me from the waist and pushed me against the cold wall. He pushed his hip against me...deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down the conscious I had learned not to listen to, was making me feel guilty for Audric, and about the fact that I had set aside Adela...also for Sugar. What would people think? Her nanny, being sexual with her daddy. I was a slut, a whore. You name it! I'm not one whose supposed to like sex, due to my previous profession. I should hate it...but I like it. I don't like forced or payed-for sex. But I like it when someone is attracted to me and willing to start a relationship. Audric wanted to start something, but I'm not as attracted to him as I am to Vic.

How am I going to explain this to him? Or Vic?

"Ah," I moaned, as I felt Vic unzip my jeans and stick his hand down my boxers and gently stroke me.
"You like that?" He asked, pressing his lips against mine. Kissing me oh-so-passionately. His tongue slipping into my mouth, and my only reply was a moan. He started rubbing his thumb against my tip, causing me to collide my hips against his.

"I love it so much, who knew you could make me feel this good...Mister Fuentes," I moaned.
"Ooh," he said seductively. "I'm not into the whole Mister thing, but I guess it could become a kink," he said against my ear. His hot breath against my skin, causing me to shiver.

He grabbed my legs and wrapped them around his waist, he pulled out his hands from my jeans, causing me to pout at the loss of contact. Of course, I didn't let him see this. He walked to his room, while kissing me. In the process, due to my previous profession, I knew my tricks. So I managed to work on removing his shirt and started working on his jeans.

So by the time we reached his bed, I had already managed to start him up. As soon as we both removed our shoes and he removed his pants, and was only in boxers. He turned on the lights and looked at me.

I then kissed him and pushed him against the bed. I stood in front of him and started seductively removing my jeans. As soon as my clothes were off and I was only in boxers...I climbed on to the bed. I let my hand slide against his chest, he looked at me. Instantly, I knew he was shocked about the fact that I had gained this level of confidence and had already token so much initiative.

"How about," I started fidgeting with his boxers. "I can make you feel really really good." I said seductively.

"I would like that," he answered. He watched as I slowly removed his boxers exposing his erection.

"Oh, Vic we haven't even started and you're pretty hard...and very very big," I smirked, but with a hint of feminine innocence.
"Be a good boy and make me feel good, like you said," he said dominantly.

"Ah, speak to me dirty," I whispered as I lowered myself and let my tongue slide from his base to his tip. I flicked my tongue against the tip and sucked at the top.

"That's right Kellin, you like that. I can see the way you're mentally begging for this. You like my dick in your mouth. You like it don't you?" He spoke dirtily.

I moaned against his dim, causing him to buck upwards. I gagged, but looked up at him through my eyelashes.

"You moan, cause you like it! Take it Kellin..." he started panting rapidly and his inner moans were frustrating me. I want to hear him moan loudly, I want his to scream my name. I want to make him feel good.

I sucked him at the tip...I started bobbing my head. I then heard him moan loudly. Success! I pulled off, half-way through a blow job and he wasn't angered like clients. On the contrary, he got up and pressed a lip against mine. Kissing me, I could feel him warm tongue and our saliva slip out my mouth and fall down my jaw-line. Vic noticed this and pulled away and started licking at the saliva that had slipped out. But as soon as he had sucked up the moisture with his tongue, he started placing kisses on my jaw-line and down my neck. But he then licked up my neck and on my jaw-line followed to the shell of my ear where he bit lightly. I moaned at the pinching pain.

"Kellin, you're such a good boy. I should give you a prize, what would you like?" he asked.
"Fuck me hard and rough Mister Fuentes!" I moaned as he placed a kiss on my neck and rubbed circles on my hip-bones.

"Good choice, I was thinking that to Kellin," he answered. He then laid me down and got off the bed and walked to a drawer. I saw what he pulled out. A bottle of lube.

He walked up to me and uncapped the bottle.
"Do me a favor a Kellin and lube me up," he said. I obeyed and he squirted the lubricant on to my hand. I then rubbed it against his dick, causing him to buck into my hand. I looked at him and gasped as he pressed his chest against mine.

"You're so hot, I can't wait till you're fucking me so hard. Make me moan loudly Victor...I wan't you. Fuck me hard, fuck me fast, make me moan loudly." I said seductively.

He then pulled off and was going to prep me, but I didn't want that.

"Vic, just fuck me dry," I said. He then threw the bottle to the side and started kissing me. i felt him position himself and push the tip in. I could handily this, I'm sure he didn't know this. But being prepped isn't something clients have patience with, so it doesn't disturb me.

He pushed in slowly but he was all the way in, and I hadn't felt this full in such a long time.

"Move Mister Fuentes," I whispered. He started thrusting and tried keeping a pace. I knew he was worried about hurting me. But I then went crazy as I felt my insides tighten against his hard dick.

"Ah, you feel so good inside me...you're so big, you make me feel so good. Ah, ah! Vic! Faster!" I moaned. He was panting and trying to go faster. I felt so good...and only felt even better when he had quickly managed to hit my good spot.

"Take it Kellin, you love it," he groaned. As he thrusted he licked the top of my chest up to my neck and started sucking in a spot, which would obviously leave a mark.

He started thrusting faster and harder just as I had asked. There was something different about this type of sex. He would look at me in the eyes and I would look back into his deep brown eyes and find myself lost in his romantic lust. it was legit emotion he was transmitting into me.

It was as if whatever he was doing was hitting me hard. No one made me feel this way.

But- "Oh, I feel so good with you Vic! Ah," I arched my back, moaning at the sounds of our skin slapping. To the way, he slid his hands down my inner thigh, rubbed circles on my hip bone, and the way his hands slipped around my waist and down my back.

He would respond with growls as I started digging my nails into his back. I would push onto his dick, i wanted him more and wanted him deeper in me.

"Ah, Vic...I feel so good. Deeper Vic...ah! I feel-"
"Hold it Kellin, let's come together! I'm close to!" He moaned back. I arched my back, trying to hold back. I wanted him to touch me and I wanted him to come inside me.

"I'm close...Kellin! Kellin!" He yelled. He brought his hand down to my dick and started stroking me quickly. I needed him, I wanted his touch, I felt so good in his embrace!

"Come with me Kellin," He yelled. Before I knew it, we both shot out all our cum. I shot into his hand and he shot inside me. I felt all the warmness inside me, and I moaned as I felt the feeling. Arching my back, and I quickly feel back as Vic collapsed on top of me.

Vic laid his head on the crook of my neck. He placed small kisses on my neck and I tired to look away.

I loved what had just happened...but I had never felt so much guilt. I don't usually pay attention to my conscious...but here I am, and for the first time in a while, I fear.

"Kellin, you're so beautiful. You're so perfect. I feel so good with you," Vic whispered. He found strength in his limp body and turned us over. Now I was on top of him and I hid my face between his neck. i didn't want him to see my reaction. So I just hid my face.

"I feel the same Vic, I really think that we can start something," i wasn't lying when I said this, it's just that my guilt was killing me, but it wasn't something I couldn't fix.

"We should get rest," he whispered.
"I'll go to my room," I said. I was getting up when I suddenly felt him tug on me.

"No, you're staying with me," he ordered.
"Okay, Mister Fuentes," I whispered. He pulled the covers over up, not minding the mess we had made.

He pulled back a little and turned off the light next to us...but returned to me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Who knew I would be into the nanny?" he whispered in the darkness while placing a kiss on my shoulder.

"I never thought my boss would have a thing for me," I joked back. We then laid down in a comfortable silence.

I'm sure he would fall asleep soon, but I'm sure it would be a long night for me.

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