1. Square One

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"This is neverending," Jungkook moaned, stretching his back. He rolled his eyes to himself.

This was just his luck.

"This box won't end. This day won't end, this decade won't end," he scowled.

He grabbed another pile of books out of an open cardboard box, "Hey, can you stop reading the merchandise? This isn't a library!" He snapped, proceeding to aggressively put books on the shelf in front of him.

"Sorry," Namjoon quickly closed the book he had been skimming, "You're right."

He grabbed another pile and went to the far end of the row, "I don't know what makes you so eager to get this particular decade over with, they don't get easier with time," Namjoon mused, filing books with great concentration, "So I'm told."

Jungkook scoffed. Loudly.

"They might! You never know, this might be the end of a very long free fall and it's all upward mobility from here," he supposed, wincing at how it sounded. Ew.

He snuck a look over at Namjoon reading the back of each book cover, "I can see you doing the opposite of putting books on shelves," he deadpanned, which resulted in a flurry of shelving activity.

"If you wanted to read all day, then you should've been the one to open a bookstore instead of that fancy schmancy gallery."

Namjoon looked up after a few moments of shelving and sorting, "At least you've still got some optimism," he chuckled, eyes twinkling.

"Who knows, maybe tonight will turn things around for you."

He was met with a paperback flying at the side of his head.

"Doubtful. It's one terrible date after another and honestly, I don't know why I'm even trying to get back out there," Jungkook retorted, "It's so depressing."

He shoved the box lightly with one foot before walking away from it entirely.

"I'm done, I dont want to do this anymore because I apparently need to get ready to go on this date that I'm so sure is a bad idea," Jungkook waved his hands in the air, train coming off the rails.

He continued ranting halfway down the stacks, "I really don't think dating your sister's friend's brother is a great setup by the way."

Namjoon finished sorting his box of books, working meticulously, "But you're definitely going?"

He snuck at glance over his shoulder at Jungkook, who had ventured back over to inspect his handiwork.

"I guess so. It would be weird to miss this date that is literally at your art gallery," Jungkook said, wrinkling his nose in disdain, "Barf."

Namjoon hummed warmly, "Wouldn't be the first time you blew off an event at the gallery just because you didn't feel like going."

Jungkook sighed and nudged the box again with one toe, "I hate art. And I hate art galleries even more," he admitted, looking slightly guilty.

"Even if you own it."

He chose to ignore Namjoon's look of cautious disbelief.

Namjoon turned and clapped Jungkook lightly on the shoulder, "You do not hate art. And you didn't always hate galleries," he softly argued, "It's okay though. Ready?"

Jungkook bobbed his head, glaring at the carpet atop the shiny mahogany-colored floor, "Fine, but I don't have time to go home so I'm wearing this."

Namjoon gave him a once over, "Suit yourself."

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