𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟏

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"So is what Olivia said true" Gustav leaned closer to me in Latin.

"Some of it" I trust Gustav, he's one of my favs. He literally won't tell anyone anything you don't want him too - and he's really funny.

"Mother fucker" That's Gus' iconic line "What's true and what's not" he whispered

"The mum and dad part just the other way - my dad cheated on my mum and the sh but it was a while ago" I sighed "Still don't know why she told everyone, we haven't spoken in ages"

"I'm sorry" He sounded sympathetic "I was hoping the bit about you dating Tom was true" he whistled as he lent away from me

"Ew why" I slapped him playfully

Gustav just shrugged and wiggled his eyebrows

"Bitch" I laughed quietly before finishing the last translation on the worksheet.

"I'm gonna beat the shit out of Olivia" I slumped down into my chair at lunch. Tom was nowhere to be found and in all honestly I was kinda happy, I didn't wanna have to talk to him at all after Olivia told him about the sh.

"Where's Tom" Georg asked with a mouthful of food as if he read my mind

"No clue" Bill replied

"Weird if you ask me, he's usually be annoying you right now" Ella laughed pointing towards me.

"I'll be back" I sighed getting up, it was bugging me now. He's usually be annoying me and it's boring without him annoying me.

Why am I thinking that? I don't like him and he annoys me.

I walked down the halls, they were pretty empty today which is surprising. I might go touch up my makeup in the bathroom actually.

"FUCK OFF" I heard someone shout from down a corridor, they were going towards my direction. And I'm nosy. So I waited to see who it was.

It was Tom.

His lip was cut and he had a bruise on his cheek but his knuckles were also pretty bashed up.

"Tom?" I asked worried. What happened? Ahy do I care? Why am I actually worried about him? I hate me. He hates me.

He walked past me, completely blanking me. I don't blame him, if I'd just got into what I'm assuming was a fight I wouldn't want to talk to someone I hated.

I followed him back to the canteen, still worried.

He pulled out the chair I was originally sat at and slumped into it. Everyone was asking what happened but he just blanked them too.

Normal Tom would be boasting about how he got into a fight but no. He was just silent.

I sat down next to Georg and just got lost in thought.

What happened to Tom?
Why am I worried about him?
Why isn't he boasting about whatever happened?
What's making me care about him?
Who did this to him?
What did HE do to the other person?
Is he alright?

𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐀𝐆𝐀𝐈𝐍 || 𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐊𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐙Where stories live. Discover now