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She cracked her neck as she prepared herself to leave the shipping container when given the signal. She bench pressed on multiple occasions during the wait, building up her strength just in case she needed to kick some ass.

She was glad she had secretly took up boxing and kickboxing those years ago. She didn't want to appear weak to anyone's eyes, not anymore.

After cooling down, she wore her combat gear, readying herself. She slung her bag over her shoulder and waited.

Anytime now...





A rectangular outline was imprinted into the metal of the container, followed by a series of knocks in something akin to the tune of 'Shave and a Haircut' which was repeated for three rounds.

At the third round, for the last two beats, she responded with a knock of her own, followed by a swing of her foot, slamming into the makeshift door and kicking it down, causing her to grimace at the rather loud clattering sound it created.

The ambience from outside had her squinting as she crept through the hole, stopping to smile at Jonas, who was squinting through the sun himself to look at her. "Not bad," he pursed his lips, rocking his head. back and forth abit, "let's see if you could catch up.

They used the shipping containers as their way of hiding from the ship's crew while creeping towards the Captain's quarters.

They were working undercover on a ship that dumped radioactive waste into the ocean, potentially either killing the marine life or Probably mutate them, which was definitely worse.

Halfway through, Jonas stopped to take pictures of the crew dumping barrels filed with toxic waste into the sea, then tossed the camera to her.

She faltered slightly, almost dropping it and gaining attention. Seeing as the members were distracted, they moved again, ducking towards a flight of stairs and headed up. She kept her breathing somewhat steady and relaxed, keeping up behind him.

He opened the door leading towards the Captain's quarters, revealing the area to be well kept and tidy for people who are polluting the ocean as they entered. There was even a caged parrot in one of the desks, bounding up and down.

Jonas pulled out a book and looked through it, finding multiple signed records before he waved her over. "Take a few pics" he ordered, "I'll do lookout." She nodded at the command, flipping through the logbook and taking pictures as requested.

The continuous squawking of the parrot had her steeling her nerves against potentially giving anger and frying the thing without mercy.. Then it started belting out English words and sentences.

'What you doing, then?' It asked her.

She disregarded it, continuing to take photos. Then it started saying, 'Help! Help!' Which was her last straw. With newfound ire, she stormed around the desk to glare at the bird.

"Keep your little beak shut, or else I'll stir fry you myself," she threatened it. Yet, it resumed crying for help, causing her to roll her eyes with a soft growl. "I hear footsteps," Jonas warned her, cautiously glancing at the door. She acted fast, taking out the memory chip, placing in the pocket of her cargo pants and zipped it up just as the door swung open.

𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚑𝚜✓Where stories live. Discover now