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She floated about in nothingness, her body feeling lightweight and free. There was a dull pain pinching the back of her head, one she could barely feel as she just lay there. Her surroundings were black, nothing could be sighted there. She realized she could just stay there, where it's cold, dark and comforting.

An extremely high pitched chime pierced through the silence of her mind. Her eyelids tightened a bit, and her brows dipped lower than usual. Fingers as light as feathers tapped her cheeks and her frown deepened even more, causing wrinkles to show up.

Why was someone trying to wake her up? She wanted peace, and now she's getting it. Why would that person want to take it away from her? 

'Eve. Stay with me, okay. You're okay, we're all gonna be okay.'

That voice. She knew who that was. But she didn't know who that was. Her own fingers twitched as a couple more voices joined that one, becoming a cacophony of noise which she tried to shut out. 


'Wake up, Eve. Please.'

Her eyes moved a bit behind her eyelids, trying to poinpoint that voice. It sounded sad, and she wanted nothing more than to comfort it. She'll admit, she'll miss the opportunity to finally feel peace, but she wouldn't leave earth that easily.

It'll take a lot more than that to try to kill her.

Once coming back into consciousness, she took note of the panicked voices all around her, as well as the hand that's holding her own. She subtly squeezed the person's hand back to ensure she was, fortunately, still alive. Her eyelids were heavy, but she forced them to open. First they were fluttering, then they cracked to show the whites of her eyeballs, then fully revealing her brown irises.

She inhaled to get their attention properly, before sitting upright and coughing out blood onto the floor of the submarine. The dull pain at the back of her head came to her at full force, hammering into her skull as she gasped. "You're okay, you're okay. You were dead a couple of seconds ago, but you're okay," she found herself in the arms of another, that familiar cologne and those rough hands which were gentle with her. She continued until they didn't rattle her lungs anymore and she grabbed his face to look at him.


Meiying knelt down in front of her, cupping her cheeks with her hands, "breathe with me, Eve."  She found herself trying to copy Meiying's breathing, despite the girl appearing as though she wanted to break down herself, and soon her heart rate slowed down to significantly moderate.

For now.

"What happened?" She questioned, and to that Jonas visibly grimaced. "Took a nasty hit." 

"Where's Dive 2? I knew this was a bad idea from the start."

Jonas only gawked at her, frozen in his position. "Jonas," she said slowly, "what happened to them? Do you not understand English? Do I need to ask you in Spanish?" 

"There's no need for that-"

"Taylor--" She hadn't call him by his last name in a long time, "--I swear to God, if you don't tell me, I'm gonna pull a luchadora and-"

"We can't get a read on them," he quickly responded, cutting her off. 

"¿Qué?" What was he saying--

Meiying nodded gravely, confirming her thoughts. 

"Try it now." Sal requested after pressing some buttons, "what's our status?"

𝙳𝚒𝚟𝚎 𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚘 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙳𝚎𝚙𝚝𝚑𝚜✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن