Picking up the Torchic, the Latios would murmur something in disgust as he dropped her, letting her land on her hindquarters. Letting out a groan, Athena would drop her gaze onto the Wurmple, who was now nothing but a corpse. "It's d-dead," she breathed, her beady eyes widening as she stared at the blood that poured out of a large wound. "Why..?" Swiveling her vision onto the dragon-and-psychic type, she would flinch as she noticed the blood on his claws.

"It's kill or be killed in this world," he muttered in response, his tone as cold as ice. "Being a trainer's Pokémon, I thought you would've known that." Athena backed away. She did know that Pokémon could be easily killed in this world, but she never thought that she would be expected to perform a murderous act.

A sharp pain erupted through her back. Wincing, the female would flap her wings, rotating her head to gaze at a strange, white stick buried in her feathers. "What is that..?" she mumbled, lifting herself to her feet as the webs previously around them fell lifelessly to the floor. Grabbing the stick with her beak, she would cringe at the sight of blood where it once stood, before spitting it out.

"Leech life," the dragon-and-psychic type would curtly grunt, scooting the webs away from the female's feet. "You're even worse at battling than I thought you'd be. I've seen newborns fight better than you." The tiny chick Pokémon winced at those words, which felt as if they were stinging her.

Athena didn't respond, instead she just stared at the spot where the Wurmple laid. "That was.. horrifying," she shakily breathed, her voice cracking only slightly. "I don't want to do that again." The Torchic shuffled around awkwardly as she heard an obviously forced chuckle emit from the Latios.

"Well, get used to it," he curtly stated, glaring at her in disgust. "It's in our blood to fight. You need to get accustomed to this lifestyle, unless you want to die a horrible death." The Torchic lowered her gaze. "Unless, of course, that's what you wish for."

She was about to retort back, until a sudden chirp cut her off. Turning towards a Taillow, Athena would blink rapidly, cautiously stepping back as she stared at the avian. Lucas had other plans. Picking her up, he would toss her towards the Pokémon, letting her land at its feet. The bird Pokémon noticed her, and narrowed its eyes into slits as it flew into the air, sending a warning call at the Torchic.

"G-Get away from here, or you'll be sorry!" he warned, his voice cracking mid-sentence as it flapped its wings harder. Athena squeaked, backing away from the male. Immediately, the avian would send a gust towards her, knocking her off of her feet. Scrambling to her feet, the chick Pokémon glanced back at Lucas, who was silently watching from a distance. As soon as she did that, however, another gust came forward.

It's stronger than me, Athena mentally noted, taking another step back as she gently shook her cranium, letting Brendan's cap fall to the ground. No other thoughts went through her mind, for as soon as that singular realization entered her brain, the Taillow rushed forward, tackling her to the ground. The Torchic let out a squeak as the flying type pinned her down.

Studying his opponent, the opponent would blink his amber luminaries before landing a peck onto the fire type's head. Blood trickled out of her new wound, and fear surged through her. She was paralyzed in fear; she couldn't move. The winner of this battle was deemed to be obvious.

Licking his beak, the male Pokémon would continue glaring down at the trembling Torchic, lashing out with another peck, this time aimed at her throat. The attack landed successfully. Coughing out blood, Athena would let out a shrill caw, her eyes widening with fear. In just a matter of moments, however, the Taillow was sliced open by a green dragon claw. Letting out a gurgle, the dead avian would fall onto the grass, blood leaking out of its wound.

Lucas silently appeared beside Athena, glaring down at her disapprovingly as she tried to preen away some of the blood. "Those wounds are fundamental for your training," he stated, watching the fire type lift herself to her feet. Athena stood up, feeling a tad faint as she bore her shocked gaze upon Lucas. "One does not grow stronger without injuries."

Fundamental for my training? she mentally repeated, feeling her useless, yellow wings sag a bit. "W-What do you mean by that?" she stammered, staring up at the eon Pokémon. He rudely sighed in response.

"Perhaps if you started fighting the Pokémon who attack you, then maybe you wouldn't become wounded so often," he scolded, rolling his eyes nonchalantly. "Honestly, if I hadn't taken you in, you'd be dead by now. Possibly eaten, for all we know." The Latios would then pause, giving the time for the information to sink into Athena's brain. It was true- had he not taken her in, she would've been killed instantly. The female shuddered at the mere thought of death. Despite how honest the Pokémon was, he could've said it just a tad bit nicer.

"I-I.." The chick Pokémon was simply out of words. Speechless. Her father was strict about training, and wanted her to grow strong, but never before had he said that she deserves injuries should she continue being reluctant to fighting. Should she get injured, he would simply inform her that there was always tomorrow.

"What kind of trainer did you even have?" Lucas continued, his voice growing more louder and stern. "I'm assuming one that's not a fan of battles? How pathetic." Keeping his glare glued to the fire type, he would snort, narrowing his eyes. Athena's head was lowered, her eyes glued to the floor.

She wasn't sure why, but tears began forming at the rim of her vision. At first she tried to hold them back, but to no avail. Letting out a tiny whimper, she would crouch down as crystal clear tears leaked out of her eyes, soon dripping onto the floor. Lucas seemed to have noticed, for he closed his mouth, grimly staring down at the weeping female.

"Let's go back to the cave," he grumbled, flying towards the direction of the aforementioned cave. Athena slowly nodded, following him silently as she picked up Brendan's cap.

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