~main 3 x defective!DD reader~

694 11 9

a/n: requested by SimpyStarr  and ignore the fact that its very lazy and it doesn't make any sense i'm trying with my little motivation in my few braincells❤️

~3rd POV~

Uzi, V, and N were around exploring the area their in to look for spare parts for... something- not sure what... ANYWAYS- as Uzi, V, and N were looking around, N pointed something out... or should i say.. someone

"Hey, guys? i think i found something!" N said, pointing out to something poking out of the snow

it was an arm... and part of a head... but not a worker drones head, a disassembly drone head?! but.. N, V, and J were the only disassembly drones on copper 9? guess we were wrong. (also yall r gonna be like an older model and abandoned by the company😍)

"hey uh.. do you guys.. know? them?" uzi asked as she approched the body in the snow

the top of the head was sticking out and the balls? (idfk what they r) weren't glowing. Uzi motioned N and V to help her pull the body out of the snow because the author doesn't know what else to do

as they pulled you out, they didnt notice that the body they were pulling out, the person was slowly starting to wake up... cause yes

when the trio got the body out of the snow, they placed it down on the snow and inspected the drone that seemed dead, but not

"so- you guys don't know who that is?" Uzi started, looking over at her two disassembly drone companions

"Nada, haven't seen them ever, haven't even heard about them" V replied, looking like she could care less about this drone

"Maybe they're an older version of you guys?" Uzi questioned

"Looks nothing like V, or me" N said as he poked the head of the drone


a/n: i'm so sorry i COMPLETELY forgot about this request😭 this is discontinued since i have no motivation for this one (am sorry) and i have six other stories still in my drafts that i havent even started on yet so i'm so so sorry😭😭

words: 360

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