~𝐉 𝐱 𝐕 𝐱 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐡! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫~

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a/n: this is kind of a follow up from the other j x v x reader parts i did but yea. so i guess this sorta counts as a part 3, even though i said i wasn't doing a part three. so yea— and apologies for it having hardly any dialogue😞

requested by:????


~2nd POV~

you are currently being dragged around the bunker by uzi and scolded because you went out and almost go yourself killed.

but all you did was whine and try to wiggle out of her grasp to go somewhere and away from her cayse she was being scary, but failed miserably. you murmured something and continue to whine.

soon, you and uzi reach her house and she lets go of you, making your (upper) body drop to the ground.

you laid there before uzi opened the door and pulled you inside. you continued to lay on the ground while she dragged you to her room.

uzi came to a stop and you hit your head something. you lift your head to see what you hit and it was uzi's railgun that was laying on the floor.

you sit up and see uzi writing something in her purple and black diary (reference). she's focused on her book and so you decide to attempt to sneak away.

you get a cloth and hold it against her mouth until she passes out, you then stand up and stare at her before holding the peace sign and disappearing in thin air/ref .

(no i'm kidding, i feel high, this is how you escape her again)

you stand up and bonk her on the head with another book and manage to knock her out without killing her, then grabbing the key to her door and booking it.

as you reach the entrance to the doors, you grab a weapon and leave the bunker(again without the WDF knowing cause their too focus on their "gin rummy" card game).

once your outside the bunker, you look around and quickly ran one way before hiding again. once you see that the coast is clear, you spot a flamethrower.

'murder drones can overheat right? maybe i can use this to my advantage!' you thought as you grab the gun and hold it close. glancing around, theres nothing but snow and buildings around, so you take this a chance to run to the murder drone corpse spiral.

once at the spiral, you spot v and j ripping apart an arm from a worker drone. they don't notice yet that you are spying. but once you saw the gory stuff in front of you, your eyes dilate and say "eww!"

though then you start to get more frightened and look up the corpse spiral. you decide to climb it in order to try and stay out of sight of the murder drones. but once you climb, you start to gag.

when you were done with... whatever you were doing, you put the flamethrower on your back (or smth) and attempt to climb up again. but evrysingle step you took was a loud "CRONCH"

at this point both female murder drones heard you and flew out of the spiral. you tryna be a smartass holds still like their gonna see movement like t-rex's do in jurassic park.

both female murder drones saw you and launched after. you screamed and jumped off, landing face first-

you scramble up and try to run until you find a glowy thingy (like what uzi finds) and crawl towards it. now your attention is all on this glowy thing and not the murder drones. the two stare at you confused and what you're looking at.

but v wants to murder you until the glowy thing slips from your hands and onto v's face. she cracked the glowy thing and that glow stuff was dripping out, melting the snow below you guys.

you, v, and j make eye contact before you shout and start (cartoon) running up the corpse spiral while the girls follow you in disbelief and confused.

"what the fu.." j trailed of as you did a fucking 360 flip

"erm what the skibiti toilet ohio sigma alpha male wolf level seven gyat flip" was all you responded with (apologies not my friend)

you then dash out the spiral corpse and stand there in front of it while scrambling to get your flame thrower in place and start to light shit on fire.

you lit cars on fire, you somehow lit buildings on fire, you even set the fucking snow on fire!!! then eventually you pointed towards the corpse spiral and got ready to shoot.

it ran out of gas...

you stared in shock as the two murder drone females tower over you and got ready to attack.

"wanna tell us why the FUCK you tried to set everything on fire?" j tut as she stared down at you, v right next to her with her screen displaying a large "X" and her teeth bared to show off to you.

"u-uhm..." you stuttered nervously as you gave them a nervous smile and chuckle as your eyes darted everywhere.

you then had an idea when you spotted that same glowy stuff from earlier. you smirked as you got ready to say something to both of them.

"LEVEL 7 GYATTT!!!!" you shouted at them as you ran passed them. both girls stunned as they stood there flabbergasted.

you ran to the glowy stuff and grabbed it, careful not to touch any of it that drips out. when you have it, you shout out to the two girls to come over where you are.

"HEY YOU TWO!!! COME HERE REAL QUICK!! IM A REALLY TASTY WORKER DRONE— what that sounded a bit wrong... UHM-"

"COME HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT!" the half naked drone shouted as she flew towards you.

you moved right on time as she flew right into the pod, her body scrunched up as her face smacked onto the pod.

you chuckle until you notice a shadow behind you.

"wanna keep laughing?" she asked as you screamed and smacked her onto the ground. when both drones where down, you took this as an advantage and threw they green stuff at the pod.

it worked somehow and a green flame rose and lit the whole spiral on fire. the two drones where fine and just laying there. you knee this was enough and ran out before you could catch on fire.

when you got out, you shouted out in glee and danced around. pulled a michael jackson and hit the griddy.

that was, until you bumped into someone... someone purple🫢

a/n: oh wow... i actually got this done!:0 ANYGAYS HOPE YOU ENJPYED THIS CRAPPY AND SORTA RUSHED THING- and i'll see you soon!:3 let me know if i made any word mistakes or anything!


words: 1151

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