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"You guys fight just like us." Ben said as he took a piece of my popcorn, making me glare at him. "Nah man. We don't fight like this." Diego replied.

We finally came to an agreement to work together, the two enemy's working together. "It's beautiful, isn't it?" Fei asked, staring at the big bright orb in the basement. It looked like a huge ball of fire floating in thin air. We all examined the strange thing, confused in a way.

-"That's what took Stanley." Lila sighed.
-"Along with a few other billion people." Fei added.
"Yeah, who i didn't know and don't care about." Lila replied.
"Right. So it's all about you" Fei glared at her.

"All of us are irrelevant" Five said, making me scoff. "This things gonna take the whole damn universe." Five finished. "What is it made of" Luther asked. "Micro black holes collapsing at increasing short intervals." I explained. "Then why aren't we getting sucked inside?" Five asked, turning to me. "Maybe we're not at irrelevant as you say" I grinned, "you shouldn't exist here, and neither should this." I pointed to the big ball of fire.

"An impossibility for an impossibility. The universe is a sucker for balance" Five had his full attention on the orb. "Grace has been tracking the waves. Next one is due in three hours." Fei explained, "All right, so what do we do?" Luther asked, getting impatient like the rest of us. "We trap it." Sloane replied. "Dyson sphere?" Five asked, "yeah." i replied. He clicks his tongue, "Okay. Confinement factor?" Five asks, is she quizzing me right now?

"0.98 at peak energy flux."
"Tensile strength?"
"UTS ceiling at 10,000 gigapascals."

"Should i be finding this hot?" Lila interrupted.

"No!" Luther and Diego said. "What do you think, Five?" Allison asked, sitting in the corner. "Could work." Five admitted, i grinned and gave him a 'i told you so' look. "..or we could all die horribly" He finished, making me roll my eyes. Everyone stared at him, confused in a way.

"i'm in." He said.
"You're not the one we need." Ben sternly told him. "Excuse you?" Allison asked. "For this to work, we need Sloane, Y/n, Lila, Christopher, and-"
"Viktor." Allison finished Fei's sentence. "Of course." She walked away.

We we're now in the living room, preparing to fight this weird fire hall in my basement. Me and Lila were looking through Reggie's alcohol drawer. "Just champagne?" Lila snickered, "Absolute wankers" I said, closing the drawer. "Speaking of wankers, any tops on how to get your stupid brother to accept my apology?" Lila asked Allison. I didn't feel like interfering with their conversation so i decided to go walk off into the kitchen to find something stronger than champagne.

I found some red wine, and poured it into a class cup, chugging it. "Hey" Five's voice appeared behind me. "Hey" I wiped the drink off my lips. "You okay?" He looked at me, concerned. "Yeah, i-i'm fine" I laughed, awkwardly. He furrowed his brows, looking at my face. "We're ready so.." He told me, I quickly put the glass in the sink and nodded. "Okay, let's go" I nodded. He stood there, staring at me. "what?" I asked, confused. He walked towards me, looking down into my eyes and held my face with his right hand. "what are you doing perv?" I joked, he didn't say a word. He just looked at me, like i was a baby or something. There was a few more moments of silence and confusion until he leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I was stunned at first but eventually relaxed. His lips were soft, not dry but not moist. It was all just pure lust, no hatred or jokes. I then pulled apart from him after a few seconds of the kiss. I stood there in shock, looking into his eyes. He looked at me with a slight smile, looking no where but my eyes. "Guys, let's go" Lila came into the kitchen. Me and Five quickly snapped back into reality and followed Lila out the kitchen, down to the basement.

Don't get me wrong, i was still shocked but the show must go on. "Okay. How do we start?" Viktor asked. Me, Lila , Sloane , Christopher and Viktor were all standing around the orb. "Have you ever moved a nest of bees?" Sloane asked, "No, that's weird." I blankly said. "You can't just pick it up. You have to keep the nest calm while you build a box around it, and then you trap it." Sloane explained, Christopher said something only the real Sparrows could understand. I always pretended to understand him, never figured it out though.

Sloane, using her powers started levitating, surrounding the orb with her friction. "One of those black holes inside is vibrating at a different rate." Fei told us.

"I can feel them"
"good. Whatever happens, don't let them speed up or change, or everything will blow."
"don't shake the bees. Got it."

We all nodded before i mimicked Sloane's powers and followed by her instructions. Our powers surrounded the ball of fire, showing different shades of glow.

"hey, what's she doing?" Luther whispered.
"Using its own gravity to condense it." Ben replied.
"Pretty cool, huh?" Luther smiled, causing Ben to glare at him.

I felt as the pressure became stronger, picking me up off my feet.

"You didn't tell me you were building a prison for God." Grace came in.
"Mom?" Diego asked.
"You have no right to do that." She continued.
"We're a little busy here, Grace."

I had all my attention on the ball of fire, i could barley hear what was going on. I had to focus on my powers or i'll loose control.

"The day of vengeance was in my heart.."
"What are you talking about?"
"..and mr year of redemption hath come"

Grace said before turning on the flame thrower.

"shit" i mumbled, feeling the strong heat. I tried to focus as best as i can, no matter how hard it was. I was loosing strength, struggling to stay up. "Y/n, i need you!" Sloane said, noticing me getting distracted. Five noticed i was trembling, so he grabbed Grace and teleported her out the room.

We watched as the orb became smaller. I was holding on as best as i could, it was starting to get painful. The pressure in my chest and the numbness of my legs and arms. "Christopher, now!" Sloane yelled. Christopher then departed and surrounded the orb, absorbing it all. All five of us struggled to keep focus, the pressure was crazy. We we're all straining, hanging onto a thread.

After a few painful long moments, we all successfully got rid of the Kugelblitz. We did it! We we're all panting, hands on our knees. My heart was pounding, even though the world was no longer ending, i still had a sick feeling in my stomach that something was wrong.

Five then teleported behind me, grabbing my hand. "Did it work?" He asked, out of breath as well. "Next Kugel wave in 3..2.." Sloane started, we all stood there, watching. "1" She finished. We stood there in silence, watching Christopher shake..and then he farted? He let out some gas, making us sigh of relief.

🎶"Another One Bites the Dust" 🎶

We we're now all upstairs, popping champagne bottles, laughing, dancing, celebrating the fact that we saved the world. We all danced, Ben came over and poured champagne in my mouth, straight from the bottle. All of us laughing, drinking..as a family. Five stood there, grinning slightly with his arm around my shoulder. I turned to him and ruffled up his hair, telling him to brighten up. He smiled, like genuinely smiled and took my hand and spun me around, making me laugh. Luther sprayed champagne all over the place, all of us watching and laughing. I took a champagne bottle out of Bens hand and chugged it, making Five furrow his brows and take it from me, finishing the bottle off. We all danced and laugh, it was all just pure happiness and joy.

Once we all calmed down, everyone else went their separate ways. It was just me and Five. We decided to walk around and explore the house. "What was that for? Earlier." I turned to him as we walked. He looked at me and grinned before looking away. "What?" He asked, he knew exactly what i was talking about. "you know what i'm talking about" I couldn't stop smiling, which made him laugh. "I've been waiting to do that for decades, in your case." He admitted. I smiled, "what took you so long?" I asked. "My stubbornness and your attitude" He laughed. I put my hand up to my heard, pretending to be offended. "Well, im glad you did it." I looked away, hiding my smile.

1489 words🫶🏼

𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙣𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝘿𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙚𝙧 ~ 𝙁𝙞𝙫𝙚 𝙃𝙖𝙧𝙜𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙨Where stories live. Discover now