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Oops! It's been a minute here and I'm really tipsy right now.

Oh my God, I know I'm not beautiful but must people rub it in my face. How I so much hate people. I am very skinny with crooked teeth. Who would want someone like me?

I've lived with the fact that I will never be someone's choice and I have come to accept it as the truth. I'm not the girl you would want to take to a party and shits like that. Is it the way their words get to me and I try to eat more to gain more weight? Or is it the way I squeeze in my tummy so as not to be judged? Well, I don't care anymore... Maybe I did.

Tonight, I just realized that I've been hiding. I need to accept my identity. I don't have to mould layers of makeup on my face to be pretty. I don't have to wear skimpy dresses to look sexy. I don't have to change myself for anyone, fvck them all.

Even the people who have it all might not be happy. Then who am I not to deserve happiness? The little things I do counts. I can find my happiness in anyplace, anytime and anyway. I don't have to define my happiness on something. The little things count. Is it the way I sing aloud when I'm alone in my room? Is it the way I smile with my crooked teeth when I lick an ice cream cone? I feel happiness in those moments.

So, I do not have to let what other people say get to me because they are not me. I'm beautiful in my own.

We're all hiding but they think they're the better.

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