Clock strikes midnight

332 21 1


Location: N/a
Date: N/a
Time: N/a

"I can't just say no but if I say yes I can't leave EVER AND  THATS THE ONLY THING HOLDING ME BACK"

1 and 30mins later

" Hey Megan do you need Anything else before I head on out" I asked while cleaning up the food and desserts left over from the party.

"Mo I told your tipsy ass to leave 30mins ago we have cleaners coming in the morning girl gooo hommeeeee" she shook her head continuing to type on here phone.

Shit she was right I been so outta sorts ik once I get home I gotta make the decision and I don't even have the energy to.

"Okayyyy bye love your mean ass, see you Monday" I yelled leaving the event.

15min later

" home sweet home" I yawned while getting out of my Uber.
I can't wait to get in the house and take a nice hot shower and wake my drunk ass up. Walking up to my door I noticed a nice as bmw parked outside. " I wonder who df car dat is I need to get me one of those"

 " I wonder who df car dat is I need to get me one of those"

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Just as I was about to unlock my door. The person inside beeped and rolled the window down.

Fuckkkkkkkkk I thought I'll give it to the nigga he is persistent I thought looking at him as he smiled at me

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Fuckkkkkkkkk I thought I'll give it to the nigga he is persistent I thought looking at him as he smiled at me.

" you ready to talk" he asked analyzing my every movement.
" yeah you can either come in or I'll be right back out" I said opening my door leaving it unlocked.

  I hurried up and put my stuff down and went to the bathroom to take a piss and to look myself over before washing my hands and heading to my bedroom.

I changed so fast into my night clothes (boxers and tank top) you'd think I wasn't a heavyset girl....

Walking outta my room to see if he came in or not and  he didn't.

Bro this nigga wants me to come in the car I thought putting on my Gucci slippers. I hate being in the car wit niggas it's like being stuck in a elevator shits so compacted fr...... ughhh I growled opening the door and walking to the car.

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