Bitter BM

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Date: May 10th,2021
Location: richass babyshower

When I finally found Ms heather she was with standing beside someone who's back was towards me.

As I walked up to them I heard " why would he invited that fat bitchhh she's not one of my friends, what kind of father invites women to his baby shower"

"He already disrespects me sometime he knew I wouldn't have wanted her to come that's why he didn't even mention he invited her"

Ms. Heather  replied back to the sad girl  " why don't you like Mo thought did she do something to you"

"No" da girl said

"Then what's the problem you know they have been friends since they were 10 years old he treats her like a sister.... She's good peoples. I don't see why you don't like her"  ms Heather said

The girl looked mad at that response because she stomped saying " mo and mas mas and mo" " fuck dat" she waved ms. Heather off walking away from her as she did that I walked up to ms Heather.

" hey I came to see if you need any help" I said she turn and looked at me with a stressed forced smile.

" I told you baby we're okay. Did you get to say anything to mommy dearest yet" she chuckled at herself at the last part I laughed a little too.

" nah I think imma go introduce myself because you're son's fake ass didn't do it" I said laughing
" den I think imma have to head out"

She look at me weird then told me to follow her so I did

"Nikita this is Rachel and Rachel this is Momo" ms, Heather said

"Hey nice to met you finally. Kilo be acting like he don't want us to be friends or something and he knows I like pretty girl" she said

I squinted because she called him "kilo" instead of Masson.

"Weird" I thought because who df is kilo?

Then I smiled "nice to finally meet you too your beautiful and so is this whole event truly happy to be invited" I said

She really was a beautiful girl and I never been the hater type.

Seeing how she was just talking BAD about me cause she thought I couldn't hear her. 

From how she's talking to me  now just showed me everything I need to know.

It's not like I wanted her to cause a scene or anything but I respect people who stand on business much more.

 It's not like I wanted her to cause a scene or anything but I respect people who stand on business much more

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Y'all are probably wonder why I never met her before or why I didn't know any of Mas's friends....

Well I told y'all I haven't talked to Mas in months which is true but I haven't physically been around him in almost two years... crazy right

Me and Mas actually fell out for a little while when he went off to college really his first summer back from college he seen what I was doing ( road running) and he was PISSED.

He told my mom and my cousin but they didn't do anything cause they couldn't I was grown on my own and I came from a family full of hustlers it was in my blood. 

We ended up falling out me mad he told and him mad I wasn't living up to my full potential.

Fast forward to his second year in college.

One night I got phone call in the middle of the night.
It was Mas telling me how he's sorry for snitching but he just felt like I was meant for more and he understood now that you gotta do what you gotta do.

After that shit was never the same tho it was like there was still love but we just didn't click no more.

I hated that fr because other then lani, Mas was the only person that could see the person I was meant to be outside of the the trenches.

He just calls me now on Snapchat or Fts me randomly asking what I'm doing and if I'm good.... I respect it shit I been so busy I don't even return the favor.

Back to the shower

" ayeee Mas im finna head out , it was nice meeting you niggas" I said given Mas a hug goodbye.

Mas looked at me funny but I just smiled

I was tired I had a long night did a extra drop lastnight and tonight was supposed to be my last one.

I needed some sleep before hand tho.

" Ite sis don't be no stranger before I start popping up" Mas chuckled while giving me a hug.

Releasing me he kissed my forehead...

I forgot he used to do that. I smiled "boy we aren't 11 no more idk wtf you be doing wit dat mouth of yours" I said mushing his head

he just laughed saying " go head before I say you're true name infront of all des peoples"

"Boyyy bye I'm not finna play wit you" I laughed walking away .

I went and said bye to Ms. Heather and da aunties too

Den I went and said bye to Rachel seeing how it was her baby shower and  I ain't wanna be funny.

Right when I was about to leave she tried to say something about us hanging out I ignored her and hopped in my Uber
What a dayyyyyyy and it's not even over yet

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