Group Chat- Day 10

212 5 24

PoppingTheCorn is online
redheadAngrySmurf is online
SlashTheSnake is online
bleachedgirraffe is online

SlashTheSnake: wheres iz

redheadAngrySmurf: bold of you to assume that i know

PoppingTheCorn: Axl...

redheadAngrySmurf: yo

PoppingTheCorn: You aren't being mean... are you?

redheadAngrySmurf: pff no

SlashTheSnake: 😬

bleachedgirraffe: dont anger him, axl you idiot!!

redheadAngrySmurf: shut up y'all
redheadAngrySmurf: mf doesnt scare me anymore
redheadAngrySmurf: hes just a pussy

PoppingTheCorn is offline

redheadAngrySmurf: oh wow, soooo scary.

SlashTheSnake: axl...

bleachedgirraffe: cmon man.
bleachedgirraffe: you just got yourself a one-way ticket to living hell.

redheadAngrySmurf: sure Duffles 🥰

bleachedgirraffe: dont blame me when stevie finds you

SlashTheSnake: yeah man.
SlashTheSnake: see ya in hell ✌️

redheadAngrySmurf: hol up
redheadAngrySmurf: ill be back
redheadAngrySmurf: someones banging on my door

SlashTheSnake: for your safety, do not answer it

PoppingTheCorn is online

PoppingTheCorn: I just want a friendly talk with you Axl. ❤️

redheadAngrySmurf: i believe you steven 🥰

PoppingTheCorn is offline

redheadAngrySmurf: ttyl

bleachedgirraffe: sure bud

redheadAngrySmurf is offline

SlashTheSnake: well
SlashTheSnake: do YOU know where izzy is?

StraddyDaddy is online

StraddyDaddy: I am right here.

SlashTheSnake: IZZY
SlashTheSnake: I MISSED YOU 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

StraddyDaddy: I... Missed you too-?

SlashTheSnake: you have no idea what just went down 😱

StraddyDaddy: I have a pretty good idea.
StraddyDaddy: Long story short, Axl is going to get bashed by my precious Steven.

SlashTheSnake: :0
SlashTheSnake: how do you know!?

StraddyDaddy: I know because I can see every conversation, Slash.

SlashTheSnake: WHAT
SlashTheSnake: HOW

bleachedgirraffe: actual dickhead...

StraddyDaddy: It's a thing called scrolling, Slash.

SlashTheSnake: oh
SlashTheSnake: my bad
SlashTheSnake: ima go now

bleachedgirraffe: SLASH NO DONT GO WITHOUT ME

SlashTheSnake: i wont duffles 🥰

bleachedgirraffe: 🥰🥰

SlashTheSnake is offline
bleachedgirraffe is offline

StraddyDaddy: gay ass mother fuckers
StraddyDaddy: just two more days, jeffy.
StraddyDaddy: then chaos will be released.

StraddyDaddy is offline

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