Group Chat- Day 2

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PoppingTheCorn is online
SlashTheSnake is online
bleachedgirraffe is online

PoppingTheCorn: Hi everyone!

SlashTheSnake: hey popcorn!

bleachedgirraffe: hey dude

PoppingTheCorn: Guess what?!

SlashTheSnake: ooooh, you fucked another chick!

PoppingTheCorn: No, but someone else did...

bleachedgirraffe: oh did izzy finally get a girl

PoppingTheCorn: No...

SlashTheSnake: oh i know!
SlashTheSnake: you got free cigarettes for all of us!

PoppingTheCorn: I wish :(

SlashTheSnake: aw :(
SlashTheSnake: well then, what is it?

PoppingTheCorn: Axl fucked my girl!

bleachedgirraffe: what

PoppingTheCorn: Axl Rose, our band's ranga lead singer, fucked my girlfriend and put her moans into one of our songs!
PoppingTheCorn: And, disturbingly, it sounds like she's enjoying it!/

SlashTheSnake: wHat

bleachedgirraffe: 😨
bleachedgirraffe: aint no way you can let him get away with it.
bleachedgirraffe: beat him up

PoppingTheCorn: I'm sorry, did I read that correctly?
PoppingTheCorn: You want me to beat up Axl?

bleachedgirraffe: yeah cuz he fucked your girl and now the whole world is gonna hear her satisfaction

PoppingTheCorn: I don't want that for Adriana :(
PoppingTheCorn: I don't want some random 14 year old girl having to explain to her mother what those sounds are in the song!

bleachedgirraffe: i mean its what makes the song unique 🤷‍♀️

PoppingTheCorn: I can't believe Axl would do that to me.

angeryman is online

angeryman: hello fuckers

PoppingTheCorn: No!
PoppingTheCorn: Go away!

PoppingTheCorn is offline

angeryman: tf

SlashTheSnake: he found out that you fucked Adriana 👀

angeryman: oh, fucking pussy wanka
angeryman: he shouldnt even care

bleachedgirraffe: well you can deal with him, im out
bleachedgirraffe: i have shit to do

SlashTheSnake: ooh! what sorta shit?

bleachedgirraffe: exercising, practicing bass, watching mtv, helping ax come up with lyrics, and of course- drinking vodka and smoking.

SlashTheSnake: oooh sounds fun!
SlashTheSnake: im just gonna have my jd and laze around watching mtv 👀

angeryman: you boring fuckers
angeryman: im going out with izzy

bleachedgirraffe: ohh a date!
bleachedgirraffe: finally

angeryman: not a date you fucking prick!
angeryman: we will be discussing manly and mature things.

bleachedgirraffe: sure 🙄
bleachedgirraffe: later ✌️

bleachedgirraffe is offline

SlashTheSnake: whew!
SlashTheSnake: i need a break from here, this new technology hurts my eyes
SlashTheSnake: cya tomorrow ax!

angeryman: 🖕

SlashTheSnake is offline

angeryman: welp

angeryman is offline

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