Lost in Thoughts, All Alone

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As you sit there, feeling pure joy for the first time in years, you hear a loud, but cute noise.

"TSKR!" Mococo sneezed.

You giggle. "Bless you Mococo," you tell her.

"Bless you Moco-chan! You always sneeze at the wrong time," Fuwawa scolds her sister teasingly.

"I do not sneeze at the wrong time!" she protests.

You run your hands along their backs to calm them down. "I don't mind the sneeze," you tell Mococo. "I thought it was kind of cute!"

You think you see her blush slightly, but she looks away pouting before you can see. You smile warmly, before a thought comes to your head. Which of them would I date if I had the choice?

You think about it. Fuwawa is definitely the more beautiful, with a larger chest and much more luscious hair. But Mococo has an adorable tummy, and cuter hair.

I can't pick! They're just so cute! you inwardly pout while you cuddle them. You keep running your hands through their hair, and eventually, the two fall asleep while cuddling. You smile warmly, and try to pick them up.

Of course, you can't carry both of them. You're fit, not strong. "Who do I take first?" you ask no one in particular. "But I can't just leave one here." You start to think about how to carry both back to the apartment.

"Have to try carrying both," you decide, as you stand up and pick the two up. They weigh about as much as you guessed, and you struggle to carry them. You make it back to your apartment, and manage to plop them in the bed before your arms give out.

"Sleep well," you tell them, pulling a blanket over the two. You pull out your phone from when you were a kid, so old it still has a headphone jack. You open google, and research your new 'pets'.

"Fuwawa and Mococo Abyssgard," you tell yourself. "Twin demonic guard dogs of Hololive English Advent." You sit there for a moment, stunned. These two girls, now live in a drab apartment with a poor loser like you. You got lucky, you know that much.

You sigh. "They like anime and video games." You've always been too poor to afford video games or a streaming service. The best you have is your Nintendo 3DS and Wii, and you only have a handful of games. Fuwawa and Mococo brought their own consoles too, but who knows if they'd play anything with you.

And as for anime, you don't know if they have streaming services. You'd usually pirate, but that's if you even had time to watch it. And their music tastes are so foreign to you. The only music you listen to is the little jungles playing over the speakers at work. You sigh heavily.

You take out your 3ds, and boot up your copy of Pokémon Black. You've memorized the story from how many times you've played, and you're currently in the middle of a shiny only run. Of course, you've not even gotten your starter shiny. You sit there for hours, soft resetting every few minutes. You do this for hours, until you fall asleep again.

Your sleep doesn't last long, and you hear a loud thud. You look over, and see Mococo kicking and punching, but she looks to be asleep still. You pull another blanket over her, but she kicks it off. You giggle, and go back to sleep, but Mococo rolls over and starts kicking you in the back.

"I'll just get in bed," you say, frustrated. You lay your head down on the pillow, and fall asleep.

Your alarm clock goes off, and you wake up to someone's breath on the back of your neck. You snooze your alarm, and look behind you.

"Good morning y/n!" Fuwawa says, breathing hot air into your face.

You instantly blush. "G-good morning F-F-Fuwawa!" you stammer, embarrassed. "I f-forgot you were in the bed, and Mococo started to k-kick me when she rolled out, s-so I went up here," you try to explain.

Fuwawa just cutely smiles at you. "I trust you!" she says, eyes brimming with happiness.

You sigh in relief, and hug her. She looks embarrassed, but hugs back. You release her quickly. "Sorry, I just haven't hugged anyone in a while," you tell her.

You feel an angry aura from behind you.

"No hug for Moco-chan?" Mococo asks, a mixture of sadness and anger.

"Y-you can have a hug if you want Mococo!" you anxiously tell her. You stand up, quickly hug her, not wanting her to feel left out.

You hear Fuwawa pouting, and pull her up and into the hug too. You hear both of their stomachs growl, and giggles.

"Who wants to get breakfast?" you ask them, much to their excitement.

"We do!" they said together.

You release them. "Well, let's go!" you say, releasing them from the hug.

They nod excitedly, barking and making excited noises. You walk out the door, and head to a local diner.

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