Meeting The Twins

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When your shift ended, you quickly biked home from work to clean your apartment.

My place is a mess, I should clean before that lady gets here, you thought as you chain your bike to the rack near your flat. You walk to your door, and see an open box. Just as it comes into view, two girls pop their heads out. As you walk closer, one of them starts to bark at you.

"Bau bau! Grrrr, bau bau!" the girl with pink highlights in her hair shouts at you. You jump back, frightened by the loud noises.

"Calm down Moco-chan!" the one with blue hair says.

"But they look so angry, they could hurt us!" the fuzzier one said.

"Hurtful," you mutter, as you pout slightly and look to the side. You hear them both gasp, then turn your head back.

"Did we hurt your feelings?" they both ask, confusing you.

You think for a moment before answering. "I think I'm fine. Just shocked," you reply. "Why are you here? Are you homeless or something?"

"No, not homeless!" the fluffier one said.

"We're the puppies you adopted!" the pink haired one said.

You take a closer look, and see dog ears poking out of their heads, and tails spilling over the edge of the box. "It didn't say I was adopting two cosplayers," you say to them.

"We're no cosplayers!" they both say. "We're demonic guard dogs!"

You take a moment to process. There's no way they're demons, you think to yourself. But they don't have anywhere else to go, so I should let them stay. You were just about to introduce yourself, but felt air being blown on you.

You look down, and see them both sniffing you up and down. Shocked, you push them back.

The pink one nods. "Smells good enough, they must be good."

"Right Mococo! They smell like a good person," the blue one said.

You look at them like they're crazy. "At least tell me your names before sniffing me!" you shout, quiet enough for the neighbors not to hear.

"Oh, right! I'm not a chihuahua, I'm Fuwawa!" the blue haired one said.

"And I'm not Fuwawa, I'm Mococo!"

"And together we're-"

You cut them off. "Absolutely adorable."

Up for Adoption: Fuwamoco X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now