Lifetime Dinnertime

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As you sleep, you have more of a flashback than a dream. You remember how you used to watch a group of streamers, called Hololive. You catch a glimpse of two blonde dog girls, who you remember watching occasionally. The dream shifts to the streamers you watched more, like a shark girl or rat girl. You're having a good time reminiscing, but are awoken by the sound of your microwave going off.

"Wha... who's making something?" you ask, forgetting your new housemates for a moment.

"We're making ramen!" a girlish voice you recognize says.

"Mococo?" you ask, opening your eyes to look at her.

"Mhm!" she says, taking her ramen out of the microwave.

You get out of your sleeping bag, and stretch. You look at the table, and see Fuwawa is already eating.

"Hello y/n! We didn't want to wake you," she says, a cute smile on her face.

You feel bad that the only real food you have is ramen. "Sorry I don't have anything else," you apologize.

"It's ok!" they say together.

"We don't mind ramen," Mococo says as she mixes the flavoring with the noodles.

You look at the time. It's early evening, a few minutes past 7 o'clock. You grab a cup of instant noodles, pour in the water, and put it in the microwave.

"What do you do for fun?" you ask the twins.

"Hmm... we do video games, anime," Fuwawa says.

Mococo lowers the pitch of her voice. "Extreme violence!" she shouts. You look at her, and then the claws at the end of her jacket.

"Don't scare them Moco-chan! That's not nice!" Fuwawa scolded her sister.

You chuckle. "It's fine," you tell them. You pet Fuwawa on the head and smile. Mococo pouts a little, and you pet her some too. The microwave goes off, and you grab your ramen. As you mix in the flavor packet, Mococo asks you something.

"We changed the apartment! Do you like it?"

You look around, and notice a desk with two chairs, a computer, and a few retro gaming consoles in a formerly empty corner.

"I don't mind it," you say. "Are you two streamers?" you ask, before you forget to.

"We're Fuwamoco, of Hololive English Advent!" Fuwawa answers proudly. Mococo nods, while making noises in agreement.

This is going to be even weirder than I thought, you think to yourself as you start to eat your ramen. "How often do you stream?" you ask, hoping that the two won't mess up your sleep schedule.

"Every night!" Mococo says,

"And Friday, Wednesday, and Monday morning too!" Fuwawa adds. You put on a semi-fake smile, and hope they won't cause noise complaints.

"Do you stream tonight?" you ask, an idea popping into your head.

They shake their heads no. "We took off today so we didn't get tired!" Mococo said.

"Wanna go to the park then?" you ask. They're dogs, so they'll like that, right?, you ask yourself.

"Park?!" Mococo asks excitedly.

"We love the park!" Fuwawa answers.

So that takes care of walking them, you think. "Let me finish my ramen and we'll head out," you tell the now very excited twins.

"We get to go to the park, Fuwawa!" Mococo says, elated.

"I know Moco-chan! I'm excited!" Fuwawa replies.

Smiling, you finish your dinner, and grab a jacket. You still don't know how you got stuck with these adorable dog girls, but you sure are happy.

"We go now?" Mococo asks when you grab your jacket.

You nod, and the pair erupts into a chorus of noises.

"Yay, bau bau!" Fuwawa shouts.

"Bau bau bau bau!" Mococo says with her.

Confused, you open the door, and let them follow you out. After they follow you, you lock the door and take their hands.

"H-huh Eh??" they both erupt, but you just smile.

"So you don't get lost!" you tell them, lying only a little.

"O-okay," they say, embarrassed, as you start your walk to the park.

Up for Adoption: Fuwamoco X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now