❤️Russia Has Pretty Eyes, According to America

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Russia hummed to himself as he walked into the bar, Canada had called him because somehow some-fucking-way had managed to get his brother drunk... and could no longer understand him. 

He approached the bar and began to look for Canada and the ball of fluff that was his boyfriend. Once he saw them, he noticed that they were in a fairly secluded corner. Which was typical, as America despised drinking in front of people. It'd actually be his first time seeing America at any level of intoxication. 

He shot Canada a "What the fuck did you do" look, before going over to his boyfriend and trying to gently coax him over. 

"Minime! Ego non iens usquam! Non es amica mea!" America grumbled out, not budging.
(*No way! I'm not going anywhere! You are not my boyfriend!) 

"America, Love, I have no idea what you're saying." 

America perked up, likely recognizing his voice because he proceeded to say his nickname: "Mons leo?" 
(*Mountain lion) 

"Да, it's me." He confirmed, smiling a little. 

America proceeded to get up out of his chair and throw himself at Russia. Russia was surprised but quickly caught his boyfriend. 

"Nunquid dixi tibi quam formosi sint oculi tui?" America hummed out, looking up at Russia with a loving look in his eyes. 
(*Have I told you how beautiful your eyes are?) 

"America, my love, princess, Звезды... I don't understand you right now. I don't know what you said." Russia said, letting out a sigh. 

"Oculi tui me mane solis admonent et pulchriores sunt omnibus quae videri possunt!" America drunkenly exclaimed, looking into his eyes. 
(*Your eyes remind me of the morning sun and are more beautiful than anything that can be seen!) 

"Seriously princess, I have no idea what the fuck you're saying." Russia reiterated gently, wanting to be able to understand his boyfriend. 

"I fucking love you, you little shit." America slurred, cuddling into his chest. 

"I'm not little, but you, my love, are." Russia said contentedly, proceeding to carry America out of the bar. "And I love you too, princess." 

"I love youuuuuu" America purred, cuddling himself further into Russia. 

"Love you too, Звезды" Russia repeated, continuing to carry America out of the bar and to his car. "Now that you're speaking a bit of English, could you tell me what you were saying earlier?" 

"Yoooour eyes pretty. Remind me of morning sun, but moreeeeeee beautifuuuul than anyyyyyyyyythinnnnng" America slurred, cuddling up to Russia more. 

"You definitely worded it better in the language you were speaking, huh?" Russia asked, ruffling America's hair gently. 

"Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! Language latin. It easy language." America hummed out happily. 

Russia chuckled a little and kissed America's forehead before continuing to walk towards his car. Once he was there, he gently set America down so that he could open the passenger side door. 

Once he had it open, he set America in the seat and got himself in the driver's seat from the other side. 

"Buckle yourself in Звезды." Russia reminded America upon seeing that his boyfriend wasn't buckled in. 

"Noooo! I sit on lap" America grumbled, choosing to try and get on his lap. 

"Nope!" Russia denied, carefully moving America back into his seat and buckling him in. "But you can cuddle me all you want when we get home." 

"But... Cuddles..." 

"You can have that when we're home safe, I promise." Russia said, reaching up from buckling him in to ruffle his fluffy hair again. 

America pouted, but seemed to decide to comply. Russia sent him a soft smile before starting the car. He then chose to take the fastest way home so that he could give America the attention and affection he craved. 

Once he pulled into the driveway of their house, he unbuckled himself and got out to run around to the other side to collect his boyfriend from the passenger seat. He opened the car door and found that America had already unbuckled himself and almost fell out of the car because he'd opened the door. He caught his boyfriend and held him princess style. He pushed the car door closed with his elbow before walking up to their front door. Once he was there, he put America down, locked the car doors remotely with the keys, then unlocked and opened the front door. 

Then he picked his boyfriend up again, carried him into the house, kicking the door closed behind him. He then put America on the couch before going to lock the front door. 

Russia felt someone's arms wrap around him, and smiled softly, knowing it was America. He locked the door and hummed a little. 
"What's up Звезды?" He asked gently, prying America's arms off him so that he could face him. 

"You left..." America mumbled. 

" I didn't leave, I was just closing the door, okay?" Russia reassured, picking America up and carrying him back to the couch. 

He set America on the couch then sat on the couch beside his boyfriend. America climbed onto his lap and nuzzled his face into his chest. 

He chuckled a little and grabbed America's hand, kissing the back of it. He then wrapped his arms around America's waist, smiling to himself. 

He must have fallen asleep at some point, as he opened his eyes, finding that it was eight hours since he'd collected his boyfriend from the bar. Speaking of which, his lover had managed to get himself even closer to him. Their chests were pressed together, and he could feel his breath on his neck. 

America's breath was slow, indicating that he was asleep. 

He gently pried America off slightly so that he could get them both into bed. Once he'd done that, America had opened an eye and looked up at him, confused. 

"Don't worry, Звезды." He said softly, standing up before picking America up. "I'm just getting us to bed, okay? " 

America closed his eye again and nodded, snuggling up to him as much as he could. 

Russia carefully got them up the stairs, walking into their room and to their bed quickly. He gently laid America in the bed, then got himself changed into a tank top and more comfortable pants. He then laid beside America and cuddled up to him again. 

"Goodnight, Звезды." He whispered with a small smile before closing his eyes. 

" 'night Mons leo." He heard America respond tiredly. 

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