~Chapter 15 - Nervous~

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Her breathing almost stopped when she saw him lean closer...

She could smell the slight twinge of alcohol on his breath as he leaned closer. Her back collided with the wall and she gulped. She wasn't afraid, but rather nervous for what might happen.

Y/N: "Camilo.. you're intoxicated. You're not thinking right now.."

He chuckled and shook his head.

C: "I've had a a few drinks, yes. But that doesn't mean I'm making a mistake."

Her eyes widened as she hear him. But before he could lean closer, Dolores burst through the room with a hidden nervousness.

D: "Hey Camilo.. can I borrow Y/N for a moment?"

Camilo backed away from her and Dolores grabbed Y/N's arm. She hurriedly dragged her out of his room and into hers. 

She sat Y/N down, and only now could Y/N see her nervousness.

D: "Are you okay? Did he do anything?"

Y/N: "No.. I'm okay, he didn't do anything."

Dolores shook her head with an ashamed expression.

D: "I'm so sorry for that. That must've been terrifying. And from someone who you're so close to.."

Y/N: "It's okay, Dolores. He was a little intoxicated, he'll wise up by morning."

D: "You're right, Y/N. You can stay in here for the rest of the party if you'd like, I was going to."

Y/N nodded and that's how they spent the rest of the party. They chatted and hung out in the quietness of Dolores's soundproof room. They became a bit closer, and were very good friends. After the party, Y/N and Dolores said their goodnights and went to bed. 

Y/N couldn't keep the interaction with Camilo out of her head. Dolores was right, a situation like that would be terrifying for someone. But, Y/N didn't feel scared. Not at all. She felt more curious than scared. Camilo was not someone she was afraid of. She trusted him, and didn't feel fear at all around him. 

But eventually, exhaustion made her body fall asleep.


The next morning at breakfast, Y/N kept giving Camilo curious glances. Whenever he caught her and they made eye contact, her eyes shifted down which left him confused. She usually wasn't this nervous around him, and he seemed to have no memory of what happened after bringing Y/N up to his room. All he remembered was getting jealous and pulling her away.

After breakfast, Y/N and Camilo were doing chores together like normal. He kept noticing her glances and eventually his curiosity got the best of him. He turned to the children and made an excuse.

C: "Hey kids! I'm gonna talk to Y/N for a second, okay? Play nice!"

Y/N heard and walked over to him. He took her to a building not too far away from the children so he could still watch them.

C: "What's wrong."

Her eyes shifted around again.

Y/N: "What do you mean- I'm fine!"

C: "No, you keep looking away whenever I look at you, you keep staring at me, and you're nervous. Did something happen?"

Y/N: "No! Nothing happened. I'm okay!"

He leaned a bit closer and took her hand, locking her fingers with his. For a second, Y/N got deja vu.

C: "I know you better than that. You can tell me. Did I do something?"

Flashbacks swirled Y/N's mind but she shook her head.

Y/N: "No, it's- ..it's not something you did. Just feeling nervous recently.."

She hoped her excuse would convince him and thankfully it did. He nodded and smiled a little.

C: "Okay. But if there is something bothering you, please tell me. I care about you, I really do."

This made her happy, but also more nervous. She hated lying to him. She knew it was for his own good, though. She didn't want to risk the relationship they had.

Y/N: "I will. But for now, let's go back to the kids."

He nodded again and they walked back. He didn't let go of her hand.

After chores, dinner ran like normal. Even after that was normal. Everything was perfect, and it would be.



We love a good dramatic chapter ending lol. Sorry for the long cliffhanger lovelies, I had a bunch of stuff to do (oof). I am so not ready for another week of school. I hope it's not as bad for you all.

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Love you, dear readers!

-Writer Snowy <3

(700 words)

She's Futuristic |  Camilo Madrigal x Female Reader | Book 1Where stories live. Discover now