~Chapter 10 - Apologies~

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(Song above to listen to!)

Unfortunely for both of them, dinner was awkward. The two kept giving the other glances to the other, looking away quickly when hey made eye contact. They didn't interact with one other during dinner, which went noticed by the rest of the family.

Mirabel whispered to Y/N about it, and Dolores whispered to Camilo about it. Their answer was the same.

Y/N&C: "It's nothing."

Mirabel and Dolores gave each other a confused glance, making eye contact and shrugging. Dinner went on like normal, except, it wasn't normal.

But after dinner, Dolores spoke to Camilo.

D: "What's going on with Y/N? You both didn't talk at all."

He shook his head.

C: "Don't worry about it. Nothing happened."

She stopped him from walking away by putting a hand on his shoulder.

D: "You and I both know I heard what happened."

He looked away in defeat. He knew he had been caught now.

D: "Look, hermano. All I ask is that you apologize to Y/N. Maybe try and make things the way they were."

C: "She doesn't want to talk to me. I bet she hates me."

Dolores stopped a smirk from appearing, or a comment about it. She knew that was a pure lie. She heard Y/N ranting at night about him.

D: "Trust me, she doesn't hate you. And she does want to talk to you."

He just shrugged her hand off his shoulder and nodded.

C: "I'll try."

With that, he walked upstairs and up to his room. Dolores had hope that they'd make things better.


After an hour of trying to prep himself on what he's gonna say, Camilo finally worked up the courage to talk to Y/N. He stood outside the nursery and knocked. A few seconds later, Y/N opened the door. Her eyes widened and she tried to close it again. She slammed it and her heartrate immediately increased. She was nervous to even be around him after what happened.

He sighed and gently knocked again, speaking in a soft voice as to not spooky her or to make her even more nervous.

C: "Y/N? Please open the door.."

After seconds of mentally debating her next move, she slowly opened the door and looked at him. He smiled a little, but it soon disappeared.

C: "Can I come in?"

She nodded and moved to let him in. He went and sat on her bed and she followed. She closed the door and sat next to him, staring at her feet as her heart pounded with anxiety.

C: "..about earlier."

This made her nerves increase. Her fingers fidgeted together.

C: "Look, Y/N.. I'm sorry. I don't know why I said that. I guess I wasn't thinking. Please forgive me.."

He didn't expect her to forgive him, but she slowly nodded.

Y/N: "Okay.. It was technically my fault, since I ignored you this morning. Sorry."

He slowly placed his hand on her shoulder, making her look at him.

C: "It's okay. I overreacted."

She smiled a little and held out her hand to shake.

Y/N: "Besties again?"

He nodded with a smile as well.

C: "Besties again."

They shook hands and soon began talking again like true best friends. 

Meanwhile with Dolores, she was teary-eyed and smiled. She was glad they got over this together. She just turned into a bigger shipper.


The next day at breakfast, they were back to normal and chatting. This surprised the family because of the dinner yesterday, but they were happy nonetheless.

While they did their chores together, children kept coming up to them and asking questions about their relationship.

Kid 1: "So, are you guys dating?"

Kid 2: "You guys gonna get married?!"


Each question left both more flustered by the moment they quickly dismissed the questions.

Y/N: "H-Hey! How about I read a story!"

This distracted the kids and the two both each other a relieved glance. Dolores was snickering quietly after hearing all of it, but just moved on after this. She continued her chores while smirking to herself.

At the end of the day, they laughed together about the questions. They joked to each other about it now.

Sure, both felt different about the questions than a joking way. But they kept it to themselves. They only thought more deeply about these questions after they separated for bed later that day.


Hey lovely readers! Hope you enjoyed this chapter as well! It was hard to write, cause literally no inspiration came to me other than apologize and children asking stupid questions lol. Did you all catch the reference from the description?? Lol, but anyway, don't forget to vote, comment, and follow for more chapters! Thx for 180+ reads!

Love you, dear readers!

-Writer Snowy <3

(750 words)

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